“To me, Fearless is not the absence of fear. It’s not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.” ~ Unknown
A few years ago, I celebrated a landmark birthday.
It wasn’t just any birthday but I’m proud to say that it was a milestone. I turned 50. It flows easier off of my tongue now but for months leading up to this momentous occasion, I couldn’t bring myself to say it out loud.
Be Fearless
I didn’t want to think about it. And I certainly didn’t want to share it with others. Not because I was ungrateful. Not because I was not thankful for the many blessings I have received. Not because I was embarrassed. It took me some time, but I finally figured out what it was— FEAR. Fear of the unknown. Fear of growing older. Fear of not having the time to fulfill my destiny.

It dawned on me just how quickly time passes—before you know it a day becomes a week, a week becomes a month, a month becomes a year, and a year becomes years and eventually a decade.
I did not fully appreciate the significance of the moment until one of my sister friends brought it to my attention. She shared how special it was to her when she turned 50 and that I should not let the day pass without giving it the recognition it deserved. It was the gentle nudge and reminder that I needed. I realized that I had lost my focus; my destiny was not behind me—instead—it was a culmination of my past and my future.
Be Fearless and Never Allow Fear to Guide You in Life
In order to truly walk in my destiny, I had to embrace where I am now and take the necessary steps to move forward. It was sobering perhaps even transformational to come to this realization.
15 Ways to Be Fearless Regardless of Your Age
We are all given a certain amount of time on this earth and it’s up to us how we use it. So, I made a list of 15 ways to be fearless regardless of your age.
1. Don’t take anything for granted.
2. Savor and bask in the ordinary.
3. Laugh and smile more often.
4. Enjoy time with family and friends.
5. Give more hugs, love harder, and open your heart for others to love you.
6. Give of yourself in service and do not expect anything in return.
7. Forgive yourself for the hurts I caused.
8. Forgive others that have caused me pain.
9. Be empathetic.
10. Aspire to be better in every way.
11. Continue to strive for excellence in the services and products you deliver to your customers.
12. Volunteer and mentor others.
13. If you see another person struggling professionally, reach out and offer them support and guidance.
14. Set new goals and pursue them with vigilance and determination.
15. Be fearless and do not allow fear to hold you back.

You may not be celebrating a milestone birthday but perhaps something is happening in your life that you don’t want to face. You may be afraid to confront it. I understand where you are—I know how it feels. Trust me when I say that you will prevail.
Don’t allow the challenge to define you. Don’t allow this test to discourage you.
Stand fearless in the face of it all.
You have a choice— you can decide how you respond.
The clock is ticking so look forward to each opportunity, embrace each new experience, and cherish each moment! Use it for what it was meant to be— a steppingstone to something far greater than you can imagine.
Carolyn Vincent
Carolyn (Dr. C) is an author, trainer, facilitator, speaker, organizational development expert, and certified executive and leadership coach. Her latest collection of poems is called Unbreakable: Readings that inspire and motivatecan be purchased on Amazon and other book distributors. You can also follow her on Instagram @unbreakablebydrc and facebook @DrCarolynVincent As the president of Vincent Associates, she is also known as a diversity and inclusion catalyst who teaches and facilitates public and private sector organizations in diversity and inclusion. She earned a business degree from Arkansas State University, an executive MBA from Strayer University, and an E.D. from The George Washington University. Dr. Vincent is a native of Arkansas who currently resides in Maryland. http://unbreakablebydrc.com/
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