“Aging is meaningless, and can not let this rule your life. Try not to allow a number to define your existence. What we need to give more attention to is our consciousness and passions. No matter what age you are, follow your passions. This will always keep you young at heart.” ~ Nicky Sehra
Life is about living, seeing everything as a gift. When a Birthday arrives, it’s a celebration of YOUR divinity. Your Birthday is that special moment in time, when you were created. Each breathe a extension to your soul. Grateful for your memories, experiences that have contributed to you who you are. To be alive here and now.
What does the process of aging signify to you? Do you define yourself by a number or can get beyond this paradigm?
“Life isn’t about your age. Life is about living. So when your birthday comes be thankful for the year that has just past and anticipate with a happy heart what the coming year will bring ” ~ Catherine Pulsifer
You are daily evolving into the best version of yourself. Seeing the development of your spirit at any given age. Appreciating all you have, the daily blessings.
Over the summer of 2021, I turned 40 – a milestone. That big BIRTHDAY!
I could feel something stirring inside me. A knowing that things are about to shake up this decade. An end to playing it safe, and time to embark on a new horizon. Inner growth and an anticipation for a new phase of life.
Prior to turning 40, a few of my girlfriends offered their sentiments. It was articulated, that 40 would bring some unrest. There will be soul-searching, questioning my life path and who I AM.
I thought to myself, “I do this daily”. Truth be told, turning 40 was not an simple process. I hesitated, as to whether I wanted to share my experience. After a peaceful meditation, the decision was clear. I wanted to share my story. It is being honest with ourselves, that helps one heal and assist others. Maybe this is what was meant all along?

“The years ahead are ours to win and cherish. We cannot let anything, least of all our age, stand in our way!”~Tina Sloan
The Beauty of Aging In a World That Wants to Be Forever Young
My 40th was spent with family. This filled my heart with such compassion and love. I could not have asked for a better celebration. Being in the company of family is all one needs to feel cherished. I had every type of Italian dessert you could imagine and was surrounded by love. Phone calls from family and friends lifted the spirit.
On the opposite side of the pendulum, I kept thinking where have the last 40 years of my life gone? I wanted to avoid my emotions and was in denial. I felt inadequate, unworthiness crept in. My choices, decisions and past were all flooding forward.
I thought by 40, I would have my life together. What does having together really mean anyway? I had to allow this to surface. Release all preconceived notions and judgments. There was a long list and I was tormenting myself. I needed to embrace all contrasting emotions to find clarity. This was a turning point. There were plenty of tears, ice-cream and journaling.
Spiritually speaking, I was being governed by my ego. Sitting in regret and unkind to my heart. It took an enlightening conversation with my younger brother to break the funk. I was thankful for his insight. He offered words of guidance that allowed me to soften.
The Beauty of Aging
Aging is meaningless, and can not let this rule your life. Try not to allow a number to define your existence. What we need to give more attention to is our consciousness and passions. No matter if you’re aging, follow your passions. This will always keep you young at heart.
“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.” ~ Sophia Loren

With every aging chapter of your life you will shift. You insights will change continuously. It is your perception on how you grasp experiences. This defines your character. I often question whether women or men feel societal expectations with becoming older?
We may all feel this at any stage of our lives. One can not allow, to be influenced by media or societal pressures. Count your blessings, instead of the candles on your cake. See the beauty of all the daily positive influences around you. You my child are golden.
You are a gift to life. What holds significance is how much you value yourself. Life is a paradox.
We are here for a brief period, learn lessons and evolve our mind. I finish with this, adhere to what sparks the light within. Advocate for yourself, be subversive, create the life you are destined for. The blessing of 40 has shown me, it’s time to live my dreams. To take reign over my life. I hope at any age you do this as well.
Live each day as if it’s YOUR BIRTHDAY.
“I believe the second half of one’s life is meant to be better than the first half. The first half is finding out how you do it. And the second half is enjoying it.” ~ Frances Lear
Nicky Sehra
A graduate of History & Corporate Communications and Public Relations in London, Ontario Canada, Nicky is a modern day spiritual woman who enjoys the simple pleasures of life and being in the company of her family and friends! She loves to teach yoga, travel and to inspire and empower humanity through her writings. Her aim is to leave everyone she meets with a sparkle of kindness, peace and love!
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