“The holiday season is a time to count your blessings; a time to go within and realize that your love, presence and compassion are the greatest gifts you can offer.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
The holiday season
The holiday season can be a stressful time for many people. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Below you will find 9 valuable things worth remembering during the holiday season, things that are meant to help you hold your peace and experience this beautiful period with more love, thankfulness, and compassion.
9 Valuable Things You Should Remember This Holiday Season
1. People are longing for love more than they are longing for stuff.
What the world needs now more than ever is not more stuff – it already has plenty – but more love.

People are starving for love, goodness, compassion and affection. Better to bless them with your love and compassion than to stuff them with more stuff. Always remember:
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~ Maya Angelou
2. Is not about how much you give
It’s about how much love you put into what you give.
3. Love is always free
No matter if rich or poor, a little bit of love is what we can all give this holiday season. Especially since love is always free. And love is what we all long and thirst for.

4. Those who have a lot are indebted to those who have little or nothing at all
I have learned this from Saint Francis of Assisi. And I hope this holiday season you will learn this great lesson as well.
5. There is a huge difference between selfless giving and transactional giving
To shower your friends and relatives with gifts and blessings knowing that they will do the same, that is one thing. To give out of the goodness of your heart – to those who have nothing to offer you in return – that is another.
Know the difference between selfless and transactional giving, and aspire to always give out of selfless love.
6. Presents matter but your presence matters more
Your presence, not your presents is the greatest gift you could ever give. Be where you are fully – in mind, body, and spirit – and watch how your presence, not your presents transforms the world.
7. Weight not the value of your gifts but rather the love and intent behind your giving
The intention behind your giving is far greater than the value of your gift. Keep your intentions pure, free from hidden and unhealthy expectations. Keep in mind that the energy you put out there will always return to you tenfold.

8. The needs of the spirit are far greater than the needs of the body.
In your search for the perfect gift, do not neglect the needs of the spirit in your attempt to please the body. Always remember that the needs of the spirit are far greater than the needs of the body. For the spirit is the one which gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. (John 6:63)
9. The gifts you give matter. But holding your peace matters a lot more.

During this period, more than ever, many people and activities require your focus and attention. But none of them are worth losing your inner peace over.
Never be in such a hurry that you lose your peace of mind. The gifts you give matter. But holding your peace matters a lot more.
And these are some of the things worth remembering during the holiday season. What about you? What is one thing you wish people would remember this holiday season? You can comment below 🙂
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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