“Your Ideal Self longs to be united with you just as much as you long to be united with Ideal Self. Do not lose hope. You will eventually become one with the truth of you. And the truth of you will set you free from everything that is not kind and loving to you.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
There comes a time in all of our lives when we get tired of pretending to be something we are not. A time when the many demands of our ego, the never ending expectations of others, and the excessive tantrums of our fabricated self no longer excite, but rather exhaust us. And we can’t help but wonder:
Is there a better way to be and to live? And of course, the answer is always yes.
Your Ideal Self
No matter who you are, no matter where you’ve been, and no matter how impossible it may seem right now for you to be and to live a better life, there is always a better way. And it all starts with realigning with the truth of you and becoming one with your Ideal Self.
10 Powerful Ways to Align Yourself with the Truth of You
1. Build Your Ideal Self on a Strong and Unshakable Foundation
“Why do you think so many of us are longing to become a greater person by far than we have ever believed ourselves to be? Because the memory of our True Self is still rooted within us, calling out our name and longing to be united with us just as much as we want to be united with our Ideal Self.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
The reason why so many people are unhappy with themselves and their lives is because they are pretending to be something they are not.
They are living their lives based on what other people believe to be right and true for them; they are living to impress instead of being impressive; and they are doing things that are not in alignment with what they know in their hearts to be right and true for them.
If you want to become one with your Ideal Self; if you want to experience the joy, freedom and fulfillment that comes from being in alignment with the person you dream of becoming, you have to make sure that you lay down a strong and unshakable foundation for this New Self to be brought to life.
By being brutally honest with yourself; by learning to bow your head to the wisdom of your heart; and by paying more attention to that still voice inside your heart than to the loud voice of the world around you.
There is a huge difference between what is pleasing to the world and what is truthful to the heart. Seek to know the difference and dare to stay true to your inner vision – even if the whole world labels that as stupid, ridiculous and insane.
“There is a huge difference between what is pleasing to the world and what is truthful to the heart.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
Always remember: trends come and go. But truth always remains. Stay true to who you are and forget about what others think.
2. Ask Yourself: Who am I?
“Your Ideal Self is not something you need to find. Your Ideal Self is something you need to align yourself with, since Your Ideal Self is who you truly are.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
One of the greatest questions you can ask yourself as you start navigating your way out of the old self into this new and Ideal Self is the question:
Who am I?

Who am I beyond my past programming, beliefs, fears, successes, failures, limitations, and social conditionings?
Who am I beyond what my family, friends and the world expects of me?
And most importantly, who am I beyond this image I created for myself that now feels so real? Who am I underneath it all?
3. Surrender Your Will to a Greater Will
“The art of surrendering comes from a place of Love. It comes from a deep trust in the invisible Power that gives Life to all of life. When you trust, you find it easy to relax, let go, and let the God within you lead the way… In love, we trust. In fear, we doubt.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
When you bow your head – with all its rigid ideas, fears, and limitations to the wisdom of your heart – in love, humility and surrender, the truth of your makes itself known to you. And from there, everything begins to flow naturally.
Surrendering is key.

Humble yourself before your divinity. Surrender yourself fully into the arms of that which loves you more than you could ever love yourself. And ask the truth of you to show you the way out of your fearful and unhappy self. Back into your loving, unlimited, and Ideal Self.
4. Let Go of the Need to Struggle
Since deep down inside you already are the person you dream of becoming, there is no need for you to suffer needlessly by constantly trying to push and resist the natural flow of life. No need to create more pain for yourself by trying to force things into existence.
Let go of this exhausting need to control how things should unfold and learn to relax into life. Allow things to take their natural course.
Allow life to work for you, no longer against you.
Let go of fear. Let go of doubt. Let go of all resistance and just be. Just be who you have always been. And trust that in your be-ing, the Real You will come to surface and everything that is not real about you will slowly but surely fade away.

5. Pay Attention to Your Inner Voice
Deep within the center of your being, you already know the answer to the question: Who am I?
We all do.
It’s just that most of us have become so accustomed to wearing a mask and pretending to be something we are not, that we are now too afraid to let go of our fabricated self and realign with our Real and Ideal Self.
Don’t let that happen to you.
Pay attention to that inner voice and dare to do the things it asks you to do. Follow its guidance. Trust its wisdom. Let it be your trusted guide and teacher. And in doing so, you will find your way out of your old fabricated self into your Truthful and Ideal Self.
6. Create a Vision of Your Ideal Self

Ask yourself:
If there were no limits to the person I could become, who would I be?
If there were no limits to the person you could become, who would you be?
- How would you carry yourself?
- How would you think, speak, feel, dress and carry yourself?
- How would people look at you if you were to become the best version of yourself?
- How would they speak to and about you?
- How would they treat you? How would you treat them? And most importantly, how would you treat yourself?
Take part in the creative process. Help bring your Ideal Self to the surface. Ask yourself the right question that will eventually lead you, not just to the right questions but to your True Self as well.
Always remember: it’s not enough to just want to become better. You have to act upon your desire and begin to embody the person you dream of becoming.
7. Place No limits on Your Imagination
You already are the person you dream of becoming. And the only reason why you can’t seem to re-align yourself with this version of you is because you are still holding onto that old and fabricated self.
Ask yourself: what do I want? And then go ahead and offer it to yourself. Because as the great Napoleon Hill said it so beautifully,
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” ~ Napoleon Hill
8. Train your brain to work for you, no longer against you
“Where there is no vision, the people perish…” ~ Proverbs 29:18
Research in neuroscience shows that the human brain does not know the difference between that which is real and that which is imagined.
To your brain, they are one the same.
Which means that if you can imagine yourself to be a greater person by far than you have ever believed yourself to be – by holding onto your vision of your Ideal Self and by giving it your energy, focus and attention daily – eventually your Ideal Self will become your Real Self.

9. Persevere
“Persevere – for the Light of God stands above all the world. And you are that Light! The more that you dwell on that Truth the more certain of it you will become, and the stronger will the truth of It be within you. Whatsoever your attention is upon that shall you become. Your Attention is a great lens by which you focus your energy and control your being. In all that is that Power of Attention is active at all times – whether consciously or unconsciously.” ~ Saint Germain
Persevere – for the Light of God stands above all the world. And you are that Light! The more that you dwell on that Truth the more certain of it you will become, and the stronger will the truth of it be within you.
This truth is Your Ideal Self. This truth is your I Am Presence, the I Am That I Am who lives, moves, and has His being within your being. The You to whom all things are possible and who can lift you out of your limitations into your creative, divine and unlimited power.
Whatsoever your attention is upon that shall you become. Place all your energy on the image of your Ideal Self and you will become one with your Ideal Self.
10. Focus Only on That Which You Want
“What you are, what you experience at any given moment, is simply the result of what you have allowed your attention to be focused upon. If you allow your attention to be attracted by things of the senses you will live in a world of the senses, a captive; while if you direct your attention to the Light within you will find freedom, and enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”~ Saint Germain
What you are, what you experience at any given moment, is simply the result of what you have allowed your attention to be focused upon. If you allow your attention to be attracted by things of the senses you will live in a world of the senses, a captive of your limitations, lower ego and fabricated self.
While if you direct your attention to the Light within you will find freedom from everything that is not you, and enter the Kingdom of Heaven which is within you.
Strive for wisdom. Strive for beauty.
Strive for love, nobility, truth and understanding.
Strive to be one with the truth of you.
Give up your fabricated self in exchange for your True and Ideal Self.
Give your precious focus, energy and attention to the person you wish to become – and in truth already are – and in doing so, everything else will fade away.
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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