Dr. Wayne Dyer's Powerful Advice on How to Free Yourself from the Past

When you free yourself from the past, from all the labels you place on yourself or allowed to do so, from all that you thought yourself to be, you make room for a completely different and improved version of YOU.

Free Yourself

In the Tao Te Ching, a book written more than 2500 years ago by the great Lao Tzu there is a line that goes like this: “To hold, you must first open your hand. Let go”

I say the same to you: open your hand and heart, let go of the past, of whatever is keeping you stuck, lost, confused, feeling unworthy, and free yourself from it all. You are not your mistakes, you are not your past. You are a Divine creation with unlimited potential just like me, just like Lao Tzu, or Wayne Dyer.

Dr. Wayne Dyer's Powerful Advice on How to Free Yourself from the Past  From Feeling Worthless to Realizing You Are Enough

There is nothing you cannot do unless you impose on yourself a limit based on what you couldn’t do in the past, what others said about you, your age, your background and so on.

And before long, you will have left time and your life pass you by, and will have arrived at the end of your days here and what are you left with? Just a heavy load of regrets to burden your heart, and nothing more.

Don’t do that to yourself!

You deserve better, and now, when you know better do better.

Make better choices for yourself, free yourself from the past and allow yourself to truly live life. This is why we are all here: to live, to be happy and to inspire and empower others to do the same.

Dr. Wayne Dyer's Powerful Advice on How to Free Yourself from the Past  15 Empowering Messages From Your Authentic Self Feeling Lonely: 5 Ways to Overcome Loneliness 12 Stories We Need to Stop Telling Ourselves 5 Powerful Benefits of Starting Your Days With a Smile Feeling Afraid: 33 Powerful Reminders For When You Feel Afraid From Overwhelmed to Calm: Powerful Tapping Meditation Your Loving Divinity: On Making Peace with Your Divinity 8 Signs You’re Meant for Something Bigger on This Planet From Feeling Worthless to Realizing You Are Enough

“We all have a destiny, a dharma to fulfill, and there are endless opportunities, people, and circumstances that surface throughout our lives to illuminate our path. The incidents and the people create tiny sparks that cause us to recognize, This is for me—this is important; this is why I’m here. Those sparks are signals to pay attention and be astonished and know that those little sparks are being ignited by the same Divine Source that is responsible for all of creation.”~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

I love the way Dr. Wayne Dyer speaks about it in this powerful video and I am more than happy to share it with you as this man has always brought wisdom in my life, love in my heart, and a smile on my face from time to time.

Keep an open mind. He might have the same effect on you 🙂

Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Powerful Advice on How to Free Yourself from the Past


E. F.

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