Brendon Burchard is one of those people who have always encouraged people through his work to reclaim their lives and find their own personal freedom. He did so in his book The Motivation Manifesto: 9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power, and many of his other works shared with the world in time.
Brendon Burchard
In my opinion, someone as inspiring as him deserves to be introduced to our great community so here just a few of the many impactful lessons you too can learn from him.
29 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Inspiring Brendon Burchard
1. The seeds of greatness grow faster in the hearts of those doing work they love.
“But we all know that the seeds of greatness grow faster in the hearts of those doing work they love than in the bitter hearts of those enslaved by work they despise.”~ Brendon Burchard
2. We learn that the more we are true to ourselves, the more we can connect with and contribute to the world.
“We learn that the more we are true to ourselves, the more we can connect with and contribute to the world.”~ Brendon Burchard
3. If you’ve constructed a defensive wall to protect yourself and keep all the bad guys out, don’t forget who that wall also prevents from getting in—the good guys
“You are a child of God, and that alone makes you worthy of care and love. If your guard is up, let it down. If you’ve constructed a defensive wall to protect yourself and keep all the bad guys out, don’t forget who that wall also prevents from getting in—the good guys.”~ Brendon Burchard
4. Humankind’s motivation is to be free.
“It is the main motivation of humankind to be free, to express our true selves and pursue our dreams without restriction—to experience what may be called Personal Freedom.”~ Brendon Burchard
5. Keeping one’s attitude positive, especially when the world conspires to make us mad, is one of the great accomplishments of life.
“Keeping one’s attitude positive, especially when the world conspires to make us mad, is one of the great accomplishments of life.”~ Brendon Burchard

6. You always have the freedom of mind to choose how you experience, interpret, and, ultimately, shape your world.
“No matter your position, circumstances, or opportunities in life, you always have the freedom of mind to choose how you experience, interpret, and, ultimately, shape your world.”~ Brendon Burchard
7. There are two things that change your life: either something new comes into your life, or something new comes out of you.
“There are two things that change your life: either something new comes into your life, or something new comes out of you.”~ Brendon Burchard
8. Most people would feel guilty for destroying someone else’s property. Yet they wreck the very temple their Creator gifted them.
“Most people would feel guilty for destroying someone else’s property. Yet they wreck the very temple their Creator gifted them.”~ Brendon Burchard
9. A better life is worth the struggle.
“Are you not more than your tiny worries about inconvenience? Isn’t a better life worth some struggle?”~ Brendon Burchard
10. Imagine your best future self, and start acting like that person today.
“Be more intentional about who you want to become. Have vision beyond your current circumstances. Imagine your best future self, and start acting like that person today.”~ Brendon Burchard
11. Those with a miserable attitude rarely move the needle of the world toward progress.
“Those with a miserable attitude rarely move the needle of the world toward progress.”~ Brendon Burchard
12. Your ultimate life experience and legacy is being built moment by moment, day by day, with every action, all leading somewhere.
“Your ultimate life experience and legacy is being built moment by moment, day by day. Your story is being crafted by your every action, all leading somewhere, all leading to what one hopes will be a magnificent crescendo.”~ Brendon Burchard
13. How many souls have failed to soar because they were suffocated in a loved one’s worry?
“How many souls have failed to soar because they were suffocated in a loved one’s worry?”~ Brendon Burchard
14. Just because people want to put things on your plate because you’re good doesn’t mean you should let them.

“Just because people want to put things on your plate because you’re good doesn’t mean you should let them.”~ Brendon Burchard
15. No goals, no growth. No clarity, no change.
“But if you don’t decide what you want in life, you can’t change your course to get it. No goals, no growth. No clarity, no change. I’m sorry.”~ Brendon Burchard
16. Slow down, be more strategic, and say no more often.
“Slow down, be more strategic, and say no more often.”~ Brendon Burchard
17. The grandest needle mover in your depth of control over your life is your outlook, the quality of the meaning you attach to the events in your life and your future.
“It turns out that the grandest needle mover in your depth of control over your life is your outlook, the quality of the meaning you attach to the events in your life and your future.”~ Brendon Burchard
18. Adopt the right habits if you are to reach high performance in any situation.
“Seek clarity. Generate energy. Raise necessity. Increase productivity. Develop Influence. Demonstrate Courage. These are the six habits that you need to adopt if you are to reach high performance in any situation.”~ Brendon Burchard
19. The power to direct our destiny comes only from a mindset that makes us willing to struggle through learning, effort, and growth.
“We must remember that the power to direct our destiny comes only from a mindset that makes us willing to struggle through learning, effort, and growth.”~ Brendon Burchard
20. Without making the actual attempt, without trial and strife, there can be no true knowledge, no progress, no high achievement, and no legend.
“Without making the actual attempt, without trial and strife, there can be no true knowledge, no progress, no high achievement, and no legend.”~ Brendon Burchard
21. Never be so checked out or busy thinking about yesterday or tomorrow to sense the magic of the divine wonders all around you.
“Each day there are a million divine wonders, acts of human kindness, and beautiful sights. Yet we are too checked out or busy thinking about yesterday or tomorrow to even sense the magic.”~ Brendon Burchard
22. Ask not what you are getting from the world but, rather, what you are giving to the world.
“Ask not what you are getting from the world but, rather, what you are giving to the world.”~ Brendon Burchard

23. Don’t you dare settle for anything other than the life you want to live
“Don’t you dare settle for anything other than the life you want to live. Look at your life. Look at every area. See what you need to stop doing and what you need to start, and do it while you still can, no matter how hard it is.”~ Brendon Burchard
24. When life becomes difficult, don’t comprise too easily.
“We compromise too easily when life becomes difficult. Most sacrifice individuality and integrity without a fight, although arrogance prevents seeing this truth.”~ Brendon Burchard
25. Hurt has nothing to do with love, and love is unaffiliated with and unaffected by pain.
“Hurt has nothing to do with love, and love is unaffiliated with and unaffected by pain. We say, “My heart is full of love,” but love is not bound in our heart or our relationships, and thus, it is not caged and capable of being poked, taunted, or trapped. And no amount of love—no matter the pain or hurt—is ever”~ Brendon Burchard
26. Do not give your ear to a lazy person, as he will surely pour fear and apathy into your soul.
“Do not give your ear to a lazy person, as he will surely pour fear and apathy into your soul.”~ Brendon Burchard
27. Integrity is learning to feel hurt but not integrate its darkness into our soul or cast it onto another.
“Integrity is learning to feel hurt but not integrate its darkness into our soul or cast it onto another.”~ Brendon Burchard
28. What we do with what we have tends to be far more important than what we have in the first place.
“What we do with what we have tends to be far more important than what we have in the first place.”~ Brendon Burchard
29. A society that lacks good people willing to speak against evil or low standards can only devolve into darkness and mediocrity.
“A society that lacks good people willing to speak against evil or low standards can only devolve into darkness and mediocrity.”~ Brendon Burchard
“The man afflicted by hunger for power or money for its own sake is just that: afflicted. He is tormented by incessant desires for more without cause. He is the most likely to wear a social mask to succeed, and thus he is always unsure of himself and his life, the deep tear inside always causing him to obsess about how to get more, why he doesn’t have it already, and whom he will have to please or become in order to get it.”
“Giving respect means to do no harm; to allow others their rights in expressing themselves; and to honor the fact that their own thoughts, feelings, and actions are real and justifiable in their own minds, even if we see them as unimportant or wrong. Respect does not necessarily mean approval; one can respect another’s right to speak but not necessarily approve of what is spoken.
Respect means that we see others as doing their best with what they have, who they are, and what hand they’ve been dealt, even if we find their efforts wanting in any way. It means seeing the divinity in others, and never inviting disrespect into our lives by projecting disrespect onto others.”
“I don’t have time for X.” In this excuse, “X” generally refers to working out, healthy eating/ shopping, or meditation. But I learned that none of these things necessarily cost you time.
In fact, they often buy back time by making you more energized and productive. If you’re sharper, more on the ball, and better able to output things that matter, because you took the time to work out and eat healthier, then the workout or healthy diet wasn’t a deficit.”
“We have patiently suffered long enough, hoping that someone or some kind of luck would one day grant us more opportunity and happiness. But nothing external can save us, and the fateful hour is at hand when we either become trapped at this level of life or we choose to ascend to a higher plane of consciousness and joy. In this ailing and turbulent world, we must find peace within and become more self-reliant in creating the life we deserve.”
“Beginning today, set an intention and a relentless focus on living your life as the greatest person you can be, in all situations. Demand that you demonstrate a strength of character in such a way that you find pride in who you are, and that others see you as a role model.”
“We must set intentions for who we are, for what roles we wish to serve, for how we’ll relate with the world. Without a vibrant awareness, we cannot connect with others or ourselves, nor can we meet the demands of the hour with grace. For this, we now declare: WE SHALL MEET LIFE WITH FULL PRESENCE AND POWER.”
“Well-being has been cast aside for wealth; success favored over sanity. In the process, some have turned cold toward life, and toward others.
Where is the energized, heightened, exhilarated pulse one would expect from such a chosen and capable people? Why do we not hear more laughter and life? Where is the vibrant, mad fury and passion of the fully engaged human? Where are the people burning with charisma and joy and magnetism?
Where is the appreciation for life’s spark? We must reexamine our attitude toward life. Our supreme duty must be to rekindle the magic of life. For this, we now declare: WE SHALL PRACTICE JOY AND GRATITUDE.”
“This is hard to say to people without offending them, but it’s a universal truth even for the most high-performing people on the planet, so here it is: your self-image could be a lot better, and you ought to be a lot more congruent in how you engage the world.
How we think of ourselves (our self-image) and how we behave in accordance with that image in the real world is the stuff of congruence. It’s one of the most profoundly powerful drives we have as humans—to live in consistent alignment with who we think we are, how we want others to perceive us, and who we want to become.
When we don’t behave as the person we believe ourselves to be, we feel “off,” “out of sorts,” and, often, frustrated or angry. If we think we’re lions, for example, but we act as mice, we secretly loath our- selves. From THE CHARGE”
“There is no veil of ease about the extraordinary effort required to be free. Breaking from conformity and pursuing our own dreams will bring some discord upon us. There will be personal struggle and sacrifice, fear and misfortune, as we try to exert ourselves in the world once more.
A vital dedication to our genuine nature and our dreams will annoy people or raise their ire; it will injure egos, step on toes, split relationships, and force interventions with those who try to limit us or stop our march. We might have to confront the bullies, break up with the jerks, leave the poisonous work environment, and challenge others to higher standards.”
“Often, breaking integrity means repeatedly doing things we do not love with people we do not care for. Isn’t life meant to be a passionate love affair with our work, our faith, and those we are blessed to know, care for, and serve?”
“Let us remember that humanity’s story has only two perennially recurring themes: struggle and progress. We mustn’t wish the end of the former, as the latter would be buried alongside it. And so let us be clear that the small, complaining, undisciplined part of ourselves—the distracted character wanting nothing but convenience and ease—is unfit to be the ruler of our new destiny.”
“Unless we are being chased by a deadly animal or deranged human, or face imminent physical harm like falling to our death, fear is just bad management of our mind.”
“When a stranger lies to hurt our reputation, we should know that it is a common thing, and that it is happening to us only because we are trying to do important things in the world. If we are conscious to the existence of rude, ignorant, cruel people, then we can control our reaction when they emerge from the darkness and attempt to steal our light.”
“Is it not clear to us that we can be our own worst enemy? But we can also be our own saviors. Through the active expression of our genuine nature, and the steady efforts to master our minds and move our lives forward, we can finally, after all this time, experience the freedom and joy that we deserve in life.”
“It is only in active self-expression and pursuit of our own aims that we can become free. Thinking, feeling, speaking, and behaving in ways that are truly our own brings integrity and shapes the foundation for our happiness. How could we ever lose sight of this?”
What about you? What is the greatest lesson you’ve learn from this wonderful man. You can always share it in the comment section bellow.
E. F.
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