“In a world where self-degrading and self-destructive behaviors have become trendy and normal, while common sense and self-respect are abnormal, may we never forget that “Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.” St. Augustine.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
What if self-respect could speak? What do you think it would have to say? What do you think it would have to teach? Have you ever wondered? Well, I have. And I got to discover that self-respect can, and is speaking all the time, to those who are ready and willing to listen.
If Self-respect Could Speak: 10 Simple Truths It Would Say
1. Self-respect says: ‘My happiness depends on Me’
I don’t expect happiness from anything or anyone external to Me. I am the source of my own happiness. My happiness depends on Me.
2. ‘Your happiness depends on You’
I don’t go out of my own way trying to make others happy. I trust them to be happy on their own. Your happiness depends on you.
3. ‘I Am The answer’
I am the question, and I am the answer. I look within and I always find what I am looking for. All that I need is already within me. I look inside myself and see.

4. Self-respect says: ‘I Am not a beggar‘
I don’t beg for anything, from anyone. I Am not a beggar. I am worthy, valuable, infinite in potential, self-sufficient, filled with love, and haven’t you heard: I Am enough.
Self-respect says: ‘I don’t chase, I am being chased’
I don’t chase, for anything or anyone. I am being chased by everything that I love. I am given all that I need and want, exactly when I need it. And I welcome it all with a thankful and loving heart.
5. Self-respect says: ‘I Am Enough’
I was born whole, worthy, and enough. And I will never stop being whole, worthy, and enough. This is my Nature, and this is my Origin.
6. Self-respect says: ‘I Surrender”
I close my eyes to the world about me. I shut the door to the world of the senses and I go within. I surrender the whole of me…. I surrender this world to a Greater World; my mind to a Greater Mind, and my own little self to a Greater Self.

7. Self-respect says: ‘I Am Love’
I am the love ‘they’ all seek in the wrong places. I am the love that gives life to new worlds. I am the love that never tires of loving and being loved.
8. ‘I Am Abundant’
The world is mine, and all that is in it. It all belongs to Me. I have it all. I am the All.
9. ‘I Am Thankful’
I dwell in a place of thankfulness. I give thanks for the good and for the bad; for the ugly and the beautiful; the highs and the lows. I am thankful for all that is.
10. Self-respect says: ‘I Am not for sale.’
My worth is beyond anything this world has to offer. So please, don’t try to sell, or buy me. For all of that will be fruitless and in vain.
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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