Affirmations for Inner Peace and Serenity
“Affirmations are our mental vitamins, providing the supplementary positive thoughts we need to balance the barrage of negative events and thoughts we experience […]
Alan Watts: 25 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from Alan Watts
A world-renowned philosopher, writer, and speaker, Alan Watts has left behind many works on personal identity, the true nature of reality, and the […]
10 Minutes To Positive Thinking: Guided Meditation
“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, […]
The Perfect Guide to Fitness Workouts
The only way to make your life better is to be better than you were yesterday. This Guide to Fitness Workouts Infographic is […]
10 Minutes to Unleash Your Full Potential: Guided Meditation
The moment you start to unleash your full potential, you begin to feel as if a veil is being lifted from your eyes and […]
10 Minutes to Perfect Peace: Guided Meditation
“In this silent, serene wilderness the weary can gain a heart-bath in perfect peace.” ~ John Muir To live in perfect peace means […]
The 5 Minute Anxiety Reduction: Guided Meditation
This 5 Minute Anxiety Reduction Guided Meditation is one of the BEST ways to quickly reduce the feeling of stress, worry, anxiety, and panic […]
Let Go of Control: Surrendering Guided Meditation
There is a natural flow that life has to follow, a sacred way in which things are meant to happen. And the more […]
7 Things to Remember When Life Gets Rough
When life gets rough and you feel like giving up, it helps to remember these 7 things. Why? Because they will help you find […]
Unkind People: Letters from Your Soul On Dealing with Unkindness
Unkind People Dear one, As you go through life, you will face many challenges and you will encounter many unkind people who will say […]
Journey to Inner Peace: 5 Minute Guided Meditation
“As gold purified in a furnace loses its impurities and achieves its own true nature, the mind gets rid of the impurities of […]
The 5 Minute Miracle: Daily Guided Meditation
The 5-minute miracle is a daily guided meditation that gives realistic and empowering advice that’s meant to help you change old patterns of […]
Find Your Inner Peace: Guided Meditation
“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even […]
Release Anger and Resentment: Guided Meditation
“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it […]
Charlie Chaplin: 30 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from Charlie Chaplin
A lot of us know Charlie Chaplin as a great actor and comedian. But you see, Charlie Chaplin was much more than that. […]