Self Intimacy: 5 Keys to Return to Your True Self
Here are five key things that helped me with rebuilding self intimacy, brought me back in touch with myself and my body when I was at my lowest.
On Having Peace by Mastering Your Emotions
Our emotions drive our lives. Our decisions, big and small, are influenced by our emotions — no matter how much we try to […]
The Three Stages of Life
There is one life. However, there are many philosophies and spiritual studies that divide life into many stages. Obviously, we can divide life […]
The invitation: On Finding the Way Back to Your True Self
“When you start doing things that are truly in alignment with what your true self wants, what your soul wants, you flourish and […]
6 Steps to Heal Your Relationship with Time
The worst relationship in most of our lives is our relationship with time. We’re usually in denial, have too much, not enough, or […]
Self Worth: 10 Daily Practices for Rebuilding Your Self Worth
Here are 10 daily practices for building self acceptance and self worth, so that you can start again after having been through a challenging period.
3 Steps to Overcoming Anxiety As an Entrepreneur
It’s Monday morning. To get going will be tough―you snoozed your alarm three times already and you know the challenges that face you […]
Manifesting Dreams into Reality: Guided Meditation
The power of visualization can play such an important role in manifesting dreams into reality. And if you give yourself permission to be quiet […]
The 5 Most Impactful Forms of Meditation
If you’re new when it comes to meditation, here you have the 5 most impactful forms of meditation that will most definitely improve your life.
How to Stop Negative Thoughts from Getting You Down
The average person has up to 60,000 thoughts a day so some of them are bound to be negative! And this shows you how to stop negative thoughts.
Grounding and Chakra Balancing: Guided Meditation
We are all made of the elements of the earth. Our organs, bones, tissues, and our entire cell structure is made out of […]
A Boost For Your Day
This is something to get your day going. Some inspiration and motivation for your everyday life. A Boost for Your Day Better Than […]
What Does it Mean to Truly Be At Peace?
Learn to be at peace, no matter what’s going on, and once you understand what this really means, nothing negative will stay with you for long. Try it!
The Life-Changing Power of Expressing Daily Gratitude
If you want happiness to be the core of your life, then you’re in the right place. Here’s how expressing daily gratitude will bring happiness in your life.
6 Powerful Tools for Creating Lasting Happiness
We all have one desire in common: to experience long lasting happiness. Every choice we make comes from the belief that in the […]