How I Stopped Being a Pushover
When I stopped being a pushover, I discovered that I didn’t have to suffer in silence to make everyone else happy… Being a […]
On Learning to Look Within Yourself for Truth and Guidance
Look within. Think your own thoughts, create your own ideas, develop your own beliefs, create your own rules. This is what life is all about.
How to No Longer Take Things Personally
To take things personally is to continue to perceive yourself as a victim and the world as your abuser. But you, my friend, […]
Awakening to Truth and the Return to Wholeness
The time for awakening has arrived. This isn’t a time to fear. This is a time for all of us to awaken and for humanity to return to wholeness.
How to Show Courage When Everyone Else Is Afraid
To show courage when everyone else is afraid is to prove to yourself and to the whole world that love knows no fear. Love is beyond that.
This 70-year-old Woman’s Response to Coronavirus Will Leave You Speechless
‘Luminita, do you believe in the coronavirus?’ A sweet 70-year-old woman asked me the other day while I was in her store. ‘I believe in God‘, I replied.
What Most People Are Afraid Of
“It is not death most people are afraid of. It is getting to the end of life, only to realize that you never […]
Yogananda: 36 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from Yogananda
Paramahansa Yogananda is the author of the best-selling spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi. Yogananda has impacted millions of people from all over […]