Give Up Rumination: The Only Way Forward and Out of the Loop of Overthinking
“Reflection is important so long as it is concluded with a positive learning otherwise it turns into rumination and life becomes an endless […]
The Beauty of Spirituality and Its Powerful Impact on Your Life
“The days of thinking that spirituality is only for the mystics, the saints, the gurus, the monks, the religious people, and a few chosen ones are […]
The New Normal: When Did Anxiety Become So Normal?
Is anxiety becoming the new normal state of being? It is true that anxiety is rampant. Everywhere you look there is someone else […]
3 New and Healthy Habits to Implement in Just 5 Minutes a Day
How many times have you tried to implement new habits into your morning routine? You’re going to start your day with meditation, eating […]
How to Reduce Your Anxiety and Listen to Your Intuition
We are all born with the ability to feel anxiety. Anxiety is protective and can keep us safe from danger. The problem is […]
Letting Go of Anxiety, Stress, and Worry: Guided Meditation
“Letting go helps usto live in a more peaceful state of mind and helps restore our balance. It allows others to be responsible […]
10 Powerful Ways to Deal with Anxiety Even If You Feel Defeated
Every one of us has had to deal with anxiety in our lives. For example, worrying about a romantic date or a job […]
Letting Go of Urgency, Worry, and Anxiety: Guided Meditation
Letting go of urgency, worry and anxiety are the first steps in achieving a state of inner peace and serenity. As it is […]
10 Things Students Can Start Doing Today to Decrease Anxiety
The list of challenges affecting students today is longer than ever. They face new challenges that previous generations didn’t encounter, like social media […]
Enough Worry: 7 Ways to Shift from Worry to Wonder
From Worry to Wonder “Worry clogs the brain and paralyzes the thought. A troubled brain can not think clearly, vigorously, locally.” ~ Orison […]
How to Thrive in the World as Someone Who Feels Things So Deeply
You can learn how to thrive regardless of whatever external conditions you may face… Many of us can admit to having such a […]
How to Create the Divine Ordinary and Make Your Life Extraordinary
The divine ordinary is the smell of coffee brewing. It is the sound of rain against the window. It’s the feeling you get […]
Hear Your Intuition: 4 Ways to Hear Intuition’s Awe-Inspiring Voice
If you can’t hear your intuition that’s only because your fears are getting in the way. Silence your fears and your intuition will […]
Clearing and Opening Your Highest 5D Ascension Timeline
Clearing and opening your highest 5D ascension timeline requires you to release and let go of all toxic agreements and imposed limitations by […]
15 Reasons to Be Independent of the Toxic Opinion of Others
“To become free of the toxic opinion of others is to realize that their opinion never had anything to do with you. But […]