Joseph Campbell: 41 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Inspiring Joseph Campbell
“Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it.” ~ Joseph Campbell
Arthur Schopenhauer: 44 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Wise Arthur Schopenhauer
Many of you may know Arthur Schopenhauer as the German philosopher who wrote The World as Will and Representation, but after having taken […]
2 Simple Ways to Train Your Mind to Work for You Not Against You
Train Your Mind Your personal reality, your perception of the world and how you view your place in it, is driven by your […]
30 Life Promises To Hold Onto Daily
The promises we make to ourselves are sacred. For they give value to our words and reveal to the whole world how much we think that we are actually worth.
The Healing Power of Change: 4 Reasons Why Change Is Great for You
“The healing power of change is incredible. As the great Dr. Leo Buscaglia discovered, “It has the power to uplift, to heal, to […]
Change: How Life Tells You It’s Time for a Change
It’s incredible how many things can change in two years and how much a person can be transformed in such a short period of time.