You Are The Light: A Heartwarming Story On Healing Past Wounds
The pain was brutal, it had been waiting on me for years. A cosmic fire seared, cleansed, began healing. Something new washed over me. Light. My spirit. The pain transformed into a radiant joy.
How I Turned My Wounds into Wisdom and My Difficulties into Opportunities
Why should I cry over something that happened long ago when I can focus my energy on turning my wounds into wisdom and my difficulties into opportunities?
The Importance of Outgrowing Your Childhood Limitations
We are a product of our emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and experiences, but it all starts with our beliefs. Oftentimes, we develop childhood limitations […]
Confessions of a Perfectly Imperfect Life – Healing My Heart, Body and Soul
This is a sequel to my previous post, Confessions of a Perfectly Imperfect Life – Me and My Shadows. One of the most valuable […]