39 Things We Don’t Pay Enough Attention to, but We Should
“Life all the time distracts our attention and we do not even have time to notice from what exactly.” ~ Franz Kafka Pay […]
Feeling Lonely: 3 Limiting Beliefs Keeping You from Creating Truly Meaningful Connections
“You cannot be lonely if you like the person you are alone with.” Wayne Dyer We often liken feeling lonely to connection with […]
On Having the Courage to Face Yourself
In a world that teaches us to constantly place our energy and attention Outside ourselves, and mostly never Within ourselves, it takes great courage to face yourself.
10 Simple Reasons Why People Don’t Mind Their Own Business
“People don’t mind their own business because they believe that interfering in your life and making uninvited inquiries into the private affairs of […]
You Are Not Alone
You are not alone on this path you are now walking – you never were and never will be. You are loved. You are safe. You are guided and protected.
5 Beautiful Ways to Make Your Retirement Purposeful
After years of hard work, we look forward to that land of abundance known as retirement. Unfortunately, once we get there, that feeling […]
Healing Depression: Valuable Truths to Help You Get Through Hard Times
When depression takes a hold of you, the world becomes so cold, dark and meaningless. And no matter how hard you try to get […]
6 Important Reasons Why Others Opinions of You Don’t Matter at All
Others people’s opinions of you are just that – their own opinions. And they really don’t matter.