Who You Are Is Enough, No Matter What Anyone Else Says
o you are is enough, and not because of how you look, how well you perform at your job or because of how many people love and approve of you
How to Go from Feeling Worthless to Feeling Worthy
So many people fall into the trap of feeling worthless, small and insignificant. And because they believe every lie they hear, either in […]
Maya Angelou: 21 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Loving Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou, the award-winning writer, poet, actress, and civil rights activist, left behind so many valuable and life-changing lessons for all of us […]
Leo Buscaglia: 40 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Great Dr. Leo Buscaglia
“Find the person who will love you because of your differences and not in spite of them and you have found a lover […]
The Blessings of Having a Daily Spiritual Practice
Having a daily spiritual practice frees you from the many bonds and attachments to fear. And it gives you permission to just be – FREE and ALIVE.
From Feeling Worthless to Realizing You Are Enough
It is not that you are worthless, it’s just that you have forgotten your Worth. You no longer understand your Nature and Origin and you believe every lie…
From Slaves to Fear to Masters of Love
You and I weren’t created to be slaves to fear, but Masters of Love. And in these turbulent times, we need to learn how to step back into our power.
12 Powerful Ways to Trust Yourself
As you start to trust yourself, you discover that you no longer need others to validate you, your choices and your life. You never needed their validation.
15 Things You Should Stop Putting Yourself Through
It’s time to stop putting yourself down with negative self-talk and start raising yourself up instead. Things You Should Stop Putting Yourself Through […]
What If Today Was Your Last Day on Earth
What if today was your last day on Earth? What if this day was all you had left and tomorrow never came? Would you […]
Approval Seeking Behavior: How to Let Go of It
How do you let go of your approval seeking behavior? By realizing that you alone are enough and that you really don’t need […]
5 Powerful Ways to Let Go of Self Doubt and Regain Confidence
“You can regain confidence in the amazing and wonderful person you really are.” Letting go of self doubt to regain confidence Most people […]