The Painful Truth About Narcissistic Relationships
“Narcissism is about dominance, power and control… To the narcissistic person the only point of reference is theirs… ‘How dare you go succeed […]
The 3 Types of Friendship and the Value They Bring to Your Life
Friendship is a universal language. No matter what our age, race, color, gender, or social status may be, we all seek the love and support of our friends. We all want to be a friend and have a friend. But are all friendships beneficial? Are they all meant to bring us joy, fulfillment and happiness? Well, this is exactly what today’s post is all about.
Be Happy: 4 Concrete Ways to Stop Getting In the Way of Your Happiness
“When you allow yourself to be happy, it is going to snowball. You’ll attract more and more things to be happy about. And don’t forget to give oodles of gratitude. You can alchemize anything with a great attitude.”~ Cherie Roe Dirksen
How to Bring Back to Life the Dreams You Once Left Behind
What if I told you that the dreams you once left behind, those ‘silly’ hopes and aspirations – as the world used to […]
Total Darkness: Finding the Courage to Walk in Total Darkness
“God has to work in the soul in secret and in darkness because if we fully knew what was happening, and what Mystery, […]
The Power of Love Is Far Greater than All Darkness
The Power of Love “I once met a Man who loved me when it felt to me like the whole world couldn’t. […]
Prayer: What Is the Meaning of Prayer
What is the meaning of prayer? Why do we pray? And how do we pray? The Meaning of Prayer On a weekend getaway […]
7 Beautiful Ways to Find Peace in the Midst of Chaos
We can find peace in the midst of chaos. Peace is always there. But in order to find it, we first have to close our eyes to everything that’s keeping away from feeling at peace.
Marcus Aurelius: 33 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Inspiring Marcus Aurelius
From the author of Meditations, Marcus Aurelius, also called the last of the so-called “five good emperors.”, comes a great deal of inspiration, […]
First Ray Meditation: Surrendering to the Will of God
“Blue (the first ray) is the token of faith, of promise, of constancy, of power, of strength, of the earnestness of God. It […]
Florence Scovel Shinn: 37 Powerful and Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from Florence Scovel Shinn
Florence Scovel Shinn (1871 – 1940), was an incredible New Thought spiritual teacher and metaphysical writer who wrote many powerful and life changing […]
12 Beautiful Ways to Know God, According to Dr. Wayne Dyer
“To know God is not the same as to hear about God. The whole world has heard of God, but only a handful […]
Soul Wisdom: Abraham Lincoln’s Famous Letter to His Son’s Teacher
Abraham Lincoln There are great men and women who walk this earth with so much grace, inspiring and empowering millions of people from […]
Letting Go of Urgency, Worry, and Anxiety: Guided Meditation
Letting go of urgency, worry and anxiety are the first steps in achieving a state of inner peace and serenity. As it is […]
The Power of Surrendering Yourself to Love
The art of surrendering comes from a place of Love. It comes from a deep trust in the invisible Field that gives Life to all of life.