Keep Going No Matter How Tough Life Might Get
Even through tough times, it’s so important to show up for yourself in the simplest of ways and to keep going. Trust me, I know it’s easier said than done. I still remember the day’s I chose to sit in the dark corners of my home only to experience anxiety attacks over taking a shower or eating a meal.
Approval: 5 Ways To Stop Asking for Other People’s Approval
It is a part of human nature to seek love and approval from others. When we are young, we physically need our caretakers to survive. Whether we realize it or not, we are dependent on them for our physical necessities and for our sense of self.
The Pursuit of Happiness: A Powerful Lesson in Chasing Happiness
Happiness is a temporary state of mind that often comes out of unexpected circumstances and accidents we can’t control. So instead of chasing it, let’s hold it in our hands until it runs away, and taps us on the shoulder just when we need it again. If we make happiness the goal for our lives, we will never quite “get there.” So instead… let’s be here.
What Does Commitment to Success Really Mean?
What Does Commitment to Success Really Mean?
Being More Confident: Can Affirmations Really Boost Your Confidence?
“Just be confident. I think confidence is the most attractive part of a person.”~ Curtis Jackson Self-love, body positivity and confidence have been […]
Emotions: On Using Your Emotions to Your Advantage
Emotions get such a bad rap. We’ve all heard that women are too emotional, men don’t know the meaning, and kids are told […]
Being Sensitive: 9 Powerful Ways to Tend to Your Sensitive Nature
Have you been called too sensitive? My entire life I have felt too sensitive. It has felt both like a magical gift and […]
The Importance of Self Love and How to Cultivate it
So much of our lives are focused on the pursuit of love, as self love, or love from the people around us. And […]
Spiritual Awakening: 10 Clear Signs of Spiritual Awakening
“Let us help the phoenix to rise from the ashes; let us help lay the foundation for a new renaissance; let us help […]
Brilliant Advice on How to Start Your Day Right
“If you start your day by holding on to the hurts and wounds of the past, there will be no room left in […]
6 Things You Should Know About Yourself
“The more you know about yourself the easier it becomes to trust, love, and accept yourself.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc Know About Yourself […]
15 Great Parenting Mistakes That Can Damage Your Child
“Most parenting mistakes do not come from not caring, but rather from caring too much.” Parenting Mistakes As a parent, it’s only natural […]
15 Beautiful Ways to Be Fearless Regardless of Your Age
We are all given a certain amount of time on this earth and it’s up to us how we use it. So, I made a list of 15 ways to be fearless regardless of your age.
The Life-Changing Power of Saying No to Others and Saying Yes to Yourself
“By saying ‘no’ to others, you are saying ‘yes’ to yourself”. Taking the time to discern your answer prior to your reply helps in speaking your truth.
How to Stop Getting Emotionally Triggered According to Dr. Gabor Mate
“Whenever we get emotionally triggered, somebody pulls that trigger. But let us alway remember that we are the ones carrying the ammunition inside […]