12 Ways to Deal with Major Life Changes
Here are 12 ways to help you deal with major or not so major life changes and understand that everything happens for you, not to you.
St. Therese of Lisieux: 24 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from St. Therese of Lisieux
St. Therese of Lisieux lived her life in childlike simplicity by surrendering herself completely to the everlasting love of God.
Empath Rescuer Meditation: Healing the Addiction to Fixing and Rescuing Others
The empath-rescuer has learned that taking responsibility for other people’s actions and rescuing them is a sure way of receiving love and attention.
Pope John Paul II: 30 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Loving Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II, through his humility and living example, taught millions of people from all over the world to live with Courage, Love, and Dignity.
St. Francis of Assisi: 40 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Great St. Francis of Assisi
I hope these quotes of St. Francis of Assisi will inspire you to live a better life and become an even more wonderful human being.
Yogananda: 36 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from Yogananda
Paramahansa Yogananda is the author of the best-selling spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi. Yogananda has impacted millions of people from all over […]
Maya Angelou Speaks on the Power of Words
“Words are things, I’m convinced. You must be careful about the words you use or the words you allow to be used in […]
Faith: Moving Away from Fear to Faith
Faith is an absolute belief in the unseen, and hope for the puzzle pieces in life to align together. The challenge many of […]
Practicing Acceptance: Overcoming the 4 Greatest Obstacles to Practicing Acceptance
Overcoming these 4 major acceptance obstacles—even partially—enhances practicing acceptance and will make life a lot easier and happier.
Letting Go: 15 Powerful Lessons I’ve Learned about Letting Go
Letting go isn’t painful, holding on is. To hold on is to suffer. To let go is to be Free. ~ Luminita D. […]
Self Awareness: The Two Most Dangerous Words In Our Vocabulary
Do you know what the two most dangerous words in our vocabulary are? And if you do, how often do you catch yourself […]
The Healing Power of Change: 4 Reasons Why Change Is Great for You
“The healing power of change is incredible. As the great Dr. Leo Buscaglia discovered, “It has the power to uplift, to heal, to […]
12 Things to Remind Yourself Daily
Take the time to remind yourself daily how precious life is and how wonderful it is to live from an authentic and meaningful […]
What Is True Love Really All About?
True love is not about finding your completeness in another person but rather about sharing your completeness with them fully.
Carl Jung: 40 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Great Carl Jung
“We don’t get wounded alone and we don’t heal alone.” ~ Carl Jung Carl Jung An entire world knows Carl Jung as the […]