The Strong Need to Be Seen and Why It Matters
One of the greatest human needs is the need to be SEEN, not for who we pretend to be, but for who we truly are underneath it all.
Your Loving Divinity: On Making Peace with Your Divinity
“There is no separation between you and your Divinity. There never was and never will be. And if there seems to be any […]
When the Ones You Love the Most Hurt You the Most
“Why is it that the ones you love the most, hurt you the most? Is it because love is blind?
12 Signs You’re a Highly Sensitive Person
A Highly Sensitive Person is someone who can transmute Pain into Joy, Darkness into Light, Wounds into Wisdom, and all Fears into Love.
The Power of Prayer and the Blessings of Having a Daily Spiritual Practice
“Prayer is an act of surrender. We don’t pray because we are religious. We pray because something within ourselves longs for something bigger, nobler, and […]
How to Get Back Up After You Have Fallen Hard
No matter how hard you fall in life, you can always get back up. There’s no need to remain at the bottom of […]
9 Truths About Letting Go of Opinions that Taint Us
There is power in letting go of opinions that taint us. There is freedom, there is greatness, and there is peace… You do […]
No Greater Power than the Power of a Mother
There is no greater power than the power of a Mother. No greater gift was given to humanity than that of a Mother. She is the embodiment of Perfection.