My Hope for You: How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life
This is a really beautiful and heartfelt piece I’ve written as my hope for you always. This will touch your heart and make your day better.
Emotions: On Using Your Emotions to Your Advantage
Emotions get such a bad rap. We’ve all heard that women are too emotional, men don’t know the meaning, and kids are told […]
9 Powerful Ways to Teach Your Children to Be Kind
Kindness is one of the most important virtues to teach your children — and the leaders of tomorrow. As a parent, it can sometimes […]
The Five Greatest Gifts You Can Give to Those Around You
We often lose sight of the small steps we can personally take to improve the lives of those around us and offer them […]
Being Sensitive: 9 Powerful Ways to Tend to Your Sensitive Nature
Have you been called too sensitive? My entire life I have felt too sensitive. It has felt both like a magical gift and […]
The Importance of Self Love and How to Cultivate it
So much of our lives are focused on the pursuit of love, as self love, or love from the people around us. And […]
Spiritual Awakening: 10 Clear Signs of Spiritual Awakening
“Let us help the phoenix to rise from the ashes; let us help lay the foundation for a new renaissance; let us help […]
Brilliant Advice on How to Start Your Day Right
“If you start your day by holding on to the hurts and wounds of the past, there will be no room left in […]
Abusive Marriage: 6 Ways I Learned to Love Myself Again after an Abusive Marriage
An abusive marriage leaves more mental scars than physical ones. And while the bruises fade with time, the blueprints of an abusive relationship […]
15 Great Parenting Mistakes That Can Damage Your Child
“Most parenting mistakes do not come from not caring, but rather from caring too much.” Parenting Mistakes As a parent, it’s only natural […]
15 Beautiful Ways to Be Fearless Regardless of Your Age
We are all given a certain amount of time on this earth and it’s up to us how we use it. So, I made a list of 15 ways to be fearless regardless of your age.
How to Stop Getting Emotionally Triggered According to Dr. Gabor Mate
“Whenever we get emotionally triggered, somebody pulls that trigger. But let us alway remember that we are the ones carrying the ammunition inside […]
12 Powerful Lessons to Help You Forgive
Forgive and let go of all the anger, all the toxicity and all the resentment that is poisoning your mind, body, soul, and life and fill your heart with love
6 Powerful Ways to Forgive Yourself Even When You Think You Can’t
“Forgive yourself and the whole world will forgive you.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc Forgive Yourself If you find it hard to forgive yourself […]
2 Simple Ways to Train Your Mind to Work for You Not Against You
Train Your Mind Your personal reality, your perception of the world and how you view your place in it, is driven by your […]