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6 Comforting Hobbies to Be Enjoyed from One’s HeartHobbies All these years, hobbies have made a substantial impact on how I live my life. There’s something about hobbies and the sheer […]Bikshya Saikia Health & Wellbeing
Honore de Balzac: 44 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Witty Honore de Balzac“The more one judges, the less one loves.” ~ Honore de Balzac Honore de Balzac From Honore de Balzac, the author of The […]E. F. Life Lessons
Your Story Isn’t Over. You Can Still Fall Madly in Love with Life“Just as a woman falls madly in love with a man; just as a man falls madly in love with a woman, so can you fall madly in love with life.” ~ Luminita D. SaviucLuminita D. Saviuc Happiness
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Lacking Motivation? 5 Unexpected Reasons Why and How to Overcome ItAre you lacking motivation or have trouble motivating yourself? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. The motivation of many people […]Ásta Sóllilja Mindfulness
Cognitive Health: 4 Great Ways Learning Improves Your Cognitive HealthYou may be, as you age, more concerned with cognitive health than ever before in the past. One way to enjoy positive cognitive health benefits is to pursue and continue lifelong learning.E. F. Health & Wellbeing
The Beauty of Serendipity: How to Find Purpose, Happiness, and Peace in Difficult Times“Serendipity is not seen as an “accident” at all, yet an attitude or kind of lifestyle in which you are always paying attention to these unexpected things that can bring a smile, joy and peace even in the most difficult times.”~ Christine RamsayChristine Ramsay Mindfulness
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