Lacking Motivation? 5 Unexpected Reasons Why and How to Overcome It Are you lacking motivation or have trouble motivating yourself? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. The motivation of many people […] Ásta Sóllilja Mindfulness
Reduce Anxiety: 7 Foods Scientifically Proven To Reduce Anxiety “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ~Hippocrates Most people don`t understand how much food can change their mood. As […] Marwan Jamal Health & Wellbeing
Reduce Anxiety: Sleep Hypnosis to Reduce & Reverse Anxiety You can reduce anxiety by refocusing your attention. And guided self hypnosis is an amazing tool for this. Reduce Anxiety Our lives can […] Luminita D. Saviuc Meditation
7 Ways to Reduce Anxiety and Find Peace One of the quickest ways to reduce anxiety is to refocus your attention. Meditation is a great tool for this. Reduce Anxiety and […] Sacha Doucet Stress Relief