On Having the Courage to Leave When There Is Nothing Left to Hold on to
“If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” ~ Paulo Coelho It felt like I was […]
The Biggest Disease Affecting Us: I’m Not Enough
How many times have you told yourself that you are not enough – good enough, smart enough, beautiful enough, lovable enough, worthy enough, […]
15 Powerful Ways to Change Your Thoughts and Transform Your Life
When you change your thoughts, the world around you starts to change. And that’s when you begin to realize that your thoughts are creative and powerful.
How to Start All over and Rebuild Your Life from Scratch
It’s never too late to start all over and rebuild your life from scratch; never too late to become the person you were destined to become.
3 Simple Steps That Can Transform Your Life
“I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it […]
The Life-Changing Power of Expressing Daily Gratitude
If you want happiness to be the core of your life, then you’re in the right place. Here’s how expressing daily gratitude will bring happiness in your life.
An Invitation to Live Life Courageously
“Your life is your life. Don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission. Be on the watch. There are ways out. There is a light somewhere. It may […]
Transform Your Life in 7 Days: Guided Meditation
What can you do to transform your life? Many things. And meditation is one of them. Meditating on the changes you would like […]
If You Can Dream It, You Can Achieve It: The Power of Visualization
In this short video, Jim Carey tells Oprah his story about how the power of visualization transformed his whole life, and the same can happen to you too.
How to Find the Light That Moves You Towards a Better Future
“The power for creating a better future is contained in the present moment: You create a good future by creating a good present.” […]
The Cookie Thief: A Powerful Poem on Life Perspective
How many times did it happen to you to know something for sure and to believe that what you knew was the truth, […]
How to Follow Your Dreams with Actions to Create Wealth
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. ~Walt Disney The mantra around dreams is, well, dreamy. […]
You Have The Power To Transform Your Life
“Nothing can bring you down, but you can choose to go down.” Serena Dyer I sometimes think that we will always be the […]