“Don’t believe everything you think!” sounds like something you might have heard once or twice before, right?
Oh my, oh my. How many of us can’t silence that chatterbox of ours, that goes on and on, and on about all kind of problems that we had, have or might have in the future?
“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” ~ Peace Pilgrim
Of course, most of these problems will never happen, but what do we know?
Don’t Believe Everything You Think
We repeat in our minds all kind of scenarios and we think of all kind of ways to get back to those people that made us suffer, all those people because of whom we can’t be happy and we can’t really live our lives the way we’re supposed to, and this is just one example of crazy thinking. Of course, this is insane but not everybody knows it.
“I can’t believe that he/she did that to me. I hate her/him so much. How dare he/she talk to me like that?! I will show her/him what I’m really capable of, I will make him/her feel sorry for everything he/she did to me… Maybe I should stop. Maybe I am not seeing things the way they really are. Am I crazy? Maybe I am. He/She told me so… I am not crazy. In fact, he/she is the crazy one…”
Sounds familiar?
People do this to themselves all the time, whether they want to admit it or not.
I once heard a little girl saying to herself how stupid she is for taking low grades in math. “I am so stupid. I can’t seem to get anything right. I hate math and I hate my mom for forcing me to go to school!”
When you are an observer, you see things more clearly than the person who is in the middle of the problem. I really believe that it`s very dangerous that we use our thoughts this way because if we keep on repeating to ourselves that we can’t do this or that, that is too hard, that we are too stupid, too ugly, too fat, too lazy etc., eventually, we will start acting on this belief.
When faced with a challenging situation, don’t tell yourself that you can’t do it and then quit. How can you know you can’t do something if you don’t even try?
Our minds play tricks on us all the time. When thoughts pop into your mind, telling you how you can’t do something, telling you that you are worthless, ask yourself these questions, Is it true? Can I be 100% sure that what I think and what I keep on repeating to myself is true?
A lot of times you will discover that it becomes a habit for you to stop yourself from doing things that are new, things that in order to be done, you have to step out of your comfort zone and do them.
It’s not that it’s hard, it’s just something new, something that you haven’t done before and because of that, your thoughts are telling you that you can’t do it, telling you it`s hard and difficult.
If you think it`s hard, it will be hard and you will act upon that belief and if you think it’s easy, it will be easy. Whatever you think and believe is true for you. So don’t believe everything you think!
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” ~ Henry Ford
When you think something is difficult, you are moving yourself away from achieving it, and when you think it’s easy, you will move closer and closer towards it.
If you want to do something, if you want to change your behavior, if you want to change who you are and where you are, start by seeing yourself already in the place you want to get to, feel all the emotions you will feel while getting the results you want.
It all begins inside you. Success, whatever that means for you, it’s nothing else but a state of mind. 90% of success is mental and the rest 10% is physical.
“Success is not to be pursued: it is to be attracted by the person you become.” ~ Jim Rohn
Act enthusiastic and you will be enthusiastic, act happy and you will be happy. Success is nothing else than a feeling of happiness, positive mental attitude, and enthusiasm.
So why not be more kind with yourself? Why not build your confidence and self-worth by doing things you think you can not do?
Stop repeating to yourself all the horrible things about what you can, and can not do. As long as you’re thinking anyway, why not think great, empowering and positive things about yourself? Why not think big?
Why is it so easy for us to think in bad terms about us, and the whole world?
It appears that it is a lot easier for us to be pessimistic than to be optimistic when it is scientifically proven that cultivating optimism is one of the activities that make people happier?
When we see somebody that is acting all happy and optimistic, we tell him/her to be more realistic, we tell him/her to stop dreaming and come back with his/her feet back on the ground. Why is it that being negative is more realistic than being positive, why is it that pessimistic is more realistic than being optimistic, when, many times, the things we fear so much about, never happen?
I know I might be crazy for some people out there, but I choose to be optimistic no matter the circumstances because I know it’s good for my health, it makes me feel good and looks great.
I choose to have beautiful, cheerful, optimistic and wonderful thoughts, for I am aware that our thoughts create our reality, and because I know that we are where we are and who we are, as a result of what we have thought. If we want to grow, we have to have the courage to step out of our comfort zone.
“Come to the edge,” he said.
They said, “We are afraid.”
“Come to the edge,” he said.
They came.
He pushed them . . .
And they flew.” ~ Guillaume Apollinaire
~love, Luminita💫
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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Darlene Somers O'Shea
at 6:55 pm
This is the real truth, and most people live in the lie of realality, kinda of a paradox I know, but we need to get this truth out there more and I commend you for doing so….one of my dreams is to see this taught to our young and youth in schools to empower their lives!!! Awesome article!