“I have had dreams and I have had nightmares, but I have conquered my nightmares because of my dreams.” Jonas Salk

What if you are a beautiful, amazing woman who once had great dreams, dreams about how your life would look like; you dreamed about making a career and a name for yourself. You wanted to gain the respect and admiration of your friends and family. You wanted to travel all around the world, to see beautiful places and meet great new people. You dreamed about being a successful woman, but you got married with the love of your life and you gave up all your hopes and dreams in order for you to take care of your family and to raise your beautiful children and now you feel like you have failed. This isn’t a success for you.

As years go by, you feel lost, empty and more depressed. There are times when you think that your place is not here and that you probably are a mistake, a failure of nature and I want you to hear me when I say that: There are no failures in the world. All that nature creates is pure and perfectly designed and to think that you weren’t meant to be here is like saying that the Universe is wrong and you are right. You see, the Universe was here before you were born and it will still be here long after you’ll be gone, and to think that you are right and the Universe, the Source from which all things originate made a mistake while creating you is nothing more than crazy talk.


We are all here because that’s exactly where we should be and if you are unhappy if you feel like your life has no meaning:

“Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours.” Dale Carnegie

You are unhappy because you have chosen to put your dreams on the side to raise a beautiful family, to take care of your wonderful children and your loving husband, but that doesn’t mean you can no longer make your dreams come true. There might be some family drama if you choose to do that, for they were used with you being there 24/7, always taking care of them, always fulfilling their needs and desires, but now it’s time to fulfill your needs because if you don’t, if you don’t listen to what your heart is trying to tell you, you will be miserable for the rest of your life, and you know why? Because you have a purpose and you have chosen to ignore that purpose, you have chosen to ignore your calling, and whoever chooses to do that will, end up suffering, will end up living in frustrations, pain, fatigue, judgment, guilt and misery.

If you go after your dreams it doesn’t mean you are going to abandon your family, but rather that you are going to help them become more responsible, you are helping them to spread their wings and fly, all by themselves. Parenting is not about having your children lean on you, but rather making the leaning unnecessary and a lot of parents don’t understand this.

What is that you still dream about? Are you willing to do what it takes in order to make those dream come true? Are you willing to face the resistance of those you know and love? Are you willing to stop complaining and start taking some action in that direction? Are you willing to stop acting like a victim and take control over your life? Are you willing to take action and get your life moving in a new direction? It’s only up to you. Nobody can help you if you don’t want to be helped and if you don’t help yourself first. I can write pages and pages, telling you what to do and what not to do, but if you are not willing, if you aren’t willing to commit yourself to transforming your life, nothing will ever happen.

Take a pen and on a piece of paper start writing how would you think your life would look like if you continue living they way you do and then, on another piece of paper, write down how your life would look like if all your dreams would come true and notice what emotions are triggered in you, and after you finish, decide what life you want to choose. Do you want to continue living the way you have lived until now, or do you want to make a change, a big change in your life? It’s your choice, and believe me, as time will go by, you will not regret those things you have done, but rather the many things you haven’t done. Do you also want to add regret to your long list of negative feelings and emotions?”

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” Maya Angelou

I know you might face a lot of resistance from all of those people around you, and that some of them might even think you have gone crazy, but if you ask me, nothing can be more horrifying than living your life according to other people’s rules and expectations. Nothing can be worse than living your life based on what others think is best for you. You know what makes sense for you, you know what makes you happy and what not. You know what you really need in order to be content, you and only you. Your life already feels so empty and without meaning, so what more would you have to lose? I tell you: Nothing to lose but a lot to win! What can be more beautiful than you coming back to life? Don’t you think you owe this to yourself? Do you think your friends and family wouldn’t want you to be happy? Just think about it.



Luminita D. Saviuc

Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.

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  • danaadmin

    at 2:52 am

    I am really happy to see that you enjoy reading them 🙂

  • danaadmin

    at 2:51 am

    And by doing so we will all be so much happier, Lorraine 🙂

  • Lorraine Smith

    at 12:51 pm

    This is so spot on. I love your insight and grateful for your posts. We all need to take a good, long look at ourselves and learn to follow our passions.

  • redsatin

    at 7:34 am

    Thank you! Thank you! I can’t thank you enough for your beautiful words. ( I am still in tears but everything makes perfect sense now. ) This is exactly what I needed to hear!

  • danaadmin

    at 9:13 am

    There is a wonderful quote for Richard Bach that I think will be appropriate here: “Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you’re alive, it isn’t.” Infinite Love Hilda, and hope to hear more from your and your journey of self discovery. Namaste

  • Hilda Kennedy

    at 6:41 pm

    WOW! What I just read is me! I am lost, I cannot find myself I live in a miserable relationship that I cannot get out of right now, cause I have nothing only four children and I cannot do this to them. But I can try to come back to life. Thanking you is not enough. Your words have penetrated my soul and it made me realize that there is still something of me.


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