The Many Benefits of Regular Physical Activity

I was talking with a friend recently, and she was telling me how, during the winter time, when she would go to the gym, the place would be so empty, with only a few people. And how, when spring came, with summer also approaching, the place starting getting so crowded, and there were days when you just couldn’t stretch your arms without hitting somebody, and it would be impossible for you to exercise and enjoy your time there.

It’s funny, but a lot of people exercise for the wrong reasons, and instead of taking care of their body all year long, no matter if it’s summer, winter, autumn or spring, they do it only so they can look good in their spring/ summer clothes.

There is nothing wrong with that, but you want to exercise, not for others, not so you can look good on the outside so that everybody would envy your looks, but for different reasons. You want to exercise for yourself, and because you understand the benefits you get from taking the time to stay in shape, and not for other reasons.

If you get to this point, where you do it for yourself and not for others, chances are that you will start exercising regularly, and not only when spring or summer approaches.

18 Powerful Benefits Of Regular Physical Activity

There are so many benefits to regular physical activity, helping us look better, feel better and perform better in all areas of life, and I want you to be aware of all of these benefits, and this is why I wanted to write this post. So here they are:

1. Beautiful, Strong and Attractive Body

By taking the time to exercise, you will look good, and you will feel more attractive and more beautiful, and because you feel good, chances are that you will make those around you feel good also because you see, energy is contagious.

2. Stress Reliever

Regular physical activity can and will help you reduce your overall stress levels by helping to dissipate the lactic acid that accumulates in your blood.

3. It Sharpens Your Mind And Brain

Regular physical activity can and will sharpen your brain by increasing the amount of oxygen that is available, helping you perform better in everything you do.

4. Increases Your Pain Tolerance

Physical activity increases the production of endorphins by creating a sense of well-being, helping you increase your body’s tolerance to pain.

5. Makes You Happier And More Excited About Life

Exercise helps stimulate the release of epinephrine, and this hormone will create a sense of happiness and excitement in your life.

6. It Helps You Relax

Regular activity will ease built-up muscular tension, helping you feel more relaxed.

7. Strengthens Your Heart

Exercise strengthens and stimulates your heart and lungs.

8. Stimulates Your Nervous System

Perhaps because exercise stimulates the nervous system and releases a variety of chemicals in the brain, it has been proven to help with anxiety and depression. Says one recent review of the literature published in “Frontiers in Psychiatry,” “the evidence suggests that exercise can improve depressive symptoms and this is observed even in those suffering from major depressive disorder.”

9. Helps You Sleep Better

Regular physical activity increases deep sleep, as the brain compensates for physical stress.

10. Decreased Risk Of Heart Disease

Those people who don’t take the time to exercise are more likely to develop coronary artery disease than active those people who are exercising regularly.

11. Will Lower Your Risk Of Osteoporosis

Regular exercise delays bone loss and promotes bone formation.

12. Decreases Blood Pressure

When you have high blood pressure, the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease will be increased, but not if you exercise.

13. Decreases Body Fat

Exercise will help you maintain an optimal body weight, helping you to both feel and look good;

14. Lower Risk For Type 2 Diabetes

Because you are an active person, and because you take the time to exercise and stay in shape, there will be a lower risk for you to develop type 2 diabetes.

15. Exercise Lowers Your Cancer Risks

By taking the time to exercise, you will lower the risk of colon and breast cancer.

16. Decreases arthritis symptoms

Physical activity will help you keep your joints flexible, helping you to build muscles to support your joints.

17. You Live Longer

Those men and women who take care of their bodies will live a longer, healthier and happier life than those who are inactive, and the risk of premature death will be lowered.

18. You Will Inspire Others

When those around you will see the transformations you are going through, when those around you will see how beautiful you are, inside and outside, how great, healthy and energized you feel,  they will be inspired by you, and they will want to do what you are doing.

Do you see how many benefits you get from taking the time to exercise?

It’s not just about having a beautifully sculpted body that everybody will admire, it’s more than that. Now go outside, start moving, start running, start exercising, take care of your body and your health, because if you don’t, nobody will… and no excuses, please.

~love, Luminita💫


Luminita D. Saviuc

Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.

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  • danaadmin

    at 2:50 am

    You do it for yourself, Ratna 🙂

  • ratna

    at 9:10 pm

    ok ok i get convinced………….i promise…………i will exercise daily ok! 🙂

  • Reinard

    at 12:22 am

    ….”There is nothing good, unless you do it ”
    Erich Kästner….and do it like eating, breathing and sleeping….make it become part of you..

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