Don't Look Back With Regrets

As some of you might remember, not too long ago I have written a post on letting go of attachment, asking those of you who had a story on how they manage to let go of something they were attached to, something that was keeping them stuck, stressed, unhappy, and so on, and how that changed their lives, send it to us, and the story which was found the most interesting would later be published.

Well, from all of the stories I got, the one that you will read today was one of the many inspiring stories, the one that I found it to be the most powerful, the one that really inspired me, and I hope that it will have the same effect on you. As the person didn’t want me to use her real name, we will call her Sarah. Bellow is her story, with her exact same words, no editing, no nothing. Thank you, Sarah, for showing us how important is to let go and to never look back.

Here is her story:

“I guess many of us have lived this story, loving someone and making so many mistakes that we have pushed that someone so far away from us that the love he shared fwithyou turned into dust.

We all want to feel it, that love that picks you up when you` re down, that puts a smile on your face when you are down, that makes the Sun seem brighter and brighter everyday, that makes you feel complete…

This is my story

He came into my life when I least expected it and when I least wanted someone by my side and yet it came. Without even knowing he entered my heart and after months I realized that he might be the one that could really make me happy, but you see life is so unpredictable and us people have the tendency to make everything more complicated than it is. Even when you go through so many difficulties, bad choices, arguments, you try to make it work, you try to make it worth the effort, the time and the emotions invested in the relationship.

People need to feel loved, need to feel that there is someone there waiting to hear about their day, someone to hold them and give them the security they need to feel when they feel lost and maybe that is why sometimes we people make the mistakes of closing our eyes. We close our eyes and stop seeing what is right there in front of us, mistakes that ruin it day by day, something that you might have done and made him grow apart from you. We refuse to see when we hurt the people we love the most and we refuse to see that maybe they can` t be there for us anymore and that is when it all slips away from you.

It takes some time, it takes a lot of tears, regrets, to see that what is done is done, the past can` t be changed, it will always be the past and that is when you get the wake up call. How can you make someone that left change their mind? You can` t and that is because there are wrongs that can` t be mend, broken pieces that can` t be fixed anymore. It hurts so much sometimes that you would give anything to have him back, but that is not going to happen, not anymore. Most of the times the things that are broken can not be put back together and it is for the best to accept them as broken, but we refuse to understand it.

How do you get from being complete to knowing that you have to let him go? How do you let go of that someone that has proved unconditional love to you?

The best thing you can do is this: let go of all the hurt you have inside, let go of all the regrets, those will only harm you, you and no one else. They say that if you love someone and want them to be happy you should set them free, but this is what sets you free also. The moment you realize that the happiness of others will bring happiness to you, that is the moment you are truly free, free and happy. People come into our lives with a meaning, so that we can learn from them, so that we can learn from the relationships we have with them, so that we learn from the mistakes we make, but how can we learn from our own mistakes when we can’t forgive ourselves for them? The moment we accept our past with everything that is in it, we are truly ready to step further, to move along with our lives and be happy. The moment we can forgive ourselves for our past transgressions is the moment we will find peace, the peace we need to live a happy and balanced life.

It is difficult to forgive yourself and I am still struggling with it but I found peace in accepting and letting go of the past. I have stopped wondering what it would be like if I had made other choices, said other things, I have stopped thinking that maybe it would have been different.

No! I am happy and I thank you for having you there for me, I am grateful for having met you and having lived those beautiful moments with you. I am grateful that I have grown and learned the things I have learned from this experience and I am grateful for the love I have received and the happiness I have felt, and I know that now, the best thing I can do is be happy and be me, live in the present, be love and be opened to what there is yet to come.”

~love, Luminita💫


Luminita D. Saviuc

Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.

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  • lori

    at 12:46 am

    I loved it. Really hit home for me and although I know its true its easier said than done!

  • Kim

    at 2:30 pm

    It’s nice, but it’s just a bunch of cliches.


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