“If you look closely at a tree you’ll notice it’s knots and dead branches, just like our bodies. What we learn is that beauty and imperfection go together wonderfully.”~ Matthew Fox
Imperfection, what a funny word. According to the dictionary, imperfection is defined by portraying a fault or a defect. Ironically, the opposite of this word, perfection or the quest for attaining it, is what blemishes ourselves, others and the world. Our so called imperfections are what make us unique, as there is only one me, perfectly bouncing around this planet.
How To Make Peace With Imperfection
This planet bears many gifts, one of those gifts is ourselves. Another is flowers. I routinely go to local farmer markets, eagerly excited to pick out the week’s bunch of sweet, colorful blossoms. Like all of us, there are many sizes, shapes, distinct characteristics that make each and every bundle uniquely one of a kind. Imagine what a drag it would be if each and every flower were the same embodiment of the flower that day, the following day, and the day after that and so on.
Whenever I am hard on myself, disappointed by others or discouragement finds it’s way to my world, I close my eyes, remember the smells and beauty of the flowers and smile. It brings me peace, it brings me a new light to look at the world. Peace and imperfection cohabitate beautifully in this world. It is only by our imperfect minds that allow for it to be seen. When it is seen, you will find joy. When it is seen, you will find beauty.
Other Cues From Nature:
“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between Man and Nature shall not be broken.” Leo Tolstoy
“Nature does not hurry….yet everything is accomplished.” ~ Lao Tzu
“To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon the verdant green of hills is the most perfect refreshment.” ~ Jane Austin
“Look deep into nature and you will begin to understand everything.” ~ Albert Einstein
“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.” ~ Raplh Waldo Emerson
“Flowers are like human beings…..they thrive on a little kindness.” ~ Fred Strutter
This post was written by Natallia Nemes. You can find her on Facebook and Twitter.
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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website promoters
at 7:42 pm
http://www.purposefairy.com is terrific. There’s often all the appropriate info at the suggestions of my fingers. Thank you and maintain up the superior work!
Kathleen Richardson
at 1:10 am
My favorite trees are the ones with the oddest shapes and colors; sometimes it’s that way with my favorite people, too.
Keep writing…
at 2:20 pm
I’m so glad I found your blog! Your writing and messages are so inspiring. Nature can teach us so much about ourselves and comfort our souls.
at 5:24 pm
it is the ultimate paradox … when the integral and the differential are merged and become one. how is it that our uniqueness and absolute differentiation is also an expression of something creative, all-sustaining and universal?
oh how every voice belongs in the choir … amongst all of the eternities prior to our consciousness now, never once was there a mind or a voice with a tune or a sound exactly like that of our purpose fairy, and that as a long long span of time to consider. And never again, amongst all the eternities of evolution yet to come, will there be another heart with exactly the same voice, with ring and try true, to soothe the souls of emerging consciousness, like that of purpose fairy … just today. It’s true for each of us. We are each unique beyond reproducability … in fact beyond all etermities including those past and those yet to come. yet that uniqueness, is also an expression of something universal, something already prescribed in our bones … the differential and the integral are merged …
at 12:37 pm
I went mushroom picking in our beautiful mountains in Stellenbosch this morning. Was up at 6:30 and out in the forest with a group – found beautiful varieties; some deadly and others edible – all in all, a beautiful demonstration of this message. All different; imperfect in their own ways; now two mushrooms, even from the same specie, the same. I feel revived.
Jim Vaughan
at 7:25 am
Nature is the greatest of all Master Teachers. Every mathematical and scientific formula in existance is man’s quest to better understand the wonderment of the planet we all share. The Creator is best known for creating. If we are all made in His image, is it possible our purpose in life is to also “create”? Take our ideas, make a decision, and then take action… in the service to benefit others? Universal Laws say we can’t do for others without also benefitting ourselves in some way. I think that is another example of the balance in nature.
at 6:48 am
Everyone, everything, all around us is unique (except what man would have created).
All natural creations, including man (or women) is unique – we need to appreciate and enjoy the differences and imperfection.
at 4:40 am
“Nature does not hurry….yet everything is accomplished.” Lao Tzu – How true, we human beings are always in mighty rush to accomplish everything very quickly.
Chris nemes
at 6:39 pm
This article has a great message of accepting your unique being I’m this world. Great article!
Chris nemes
at 5:19 pm
This is a great article. I love how it talks about how everyone is unique and should embrass it.