There are certain truths worth remembering, truths that have the power to awaken our inner spirit and reignite in us the passion for life and the love for all this world has to offer.
And today I would like to share with you 9 simple, yet powerful truths we should all know as we go through this beautiful journey called life.
9 Truths You Should Know by Now
1. Life is a process of becoming.
One of the many truths we should all become aware of is that life is a process of becoming. We go through life to find ourselves, to become ourselves.
Don’t be afraid to make ‘mistakes.’ Don’t be afraid to ‘fail.’ Have fun in all that you do. The more things you do in life, the more things you’ll learn from life. Enjoy the journey because that’s what life is all about.
It’s not about rushing towards a final destination, it’s about enjoying the journey…
When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him you will see yourself. As you treat him you will treat yourself. As you think of him you will think of yourself. Never forget this, for in him you will find yourself or lose yourself.~ A Course in Miracles
2. You are exactly where you need to be.
If you’re in a really dark place right now, chances are that you’ll not be too pleased to know this, but the truth of the matter is that,
Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment. ~ Eckhart Tolle
You can either choose to accept or resist what is, and based on your choice you will find the clarity and the strength to move forward in life, or stay stuck. It’s all up to you. The power is in your hands.
3. Love is all you need.
May sound like a cliche, but the truth of the matter is that LOVE is all you need. Love is the only thing that’s real, the only thing that matters. By closing the door to your heart and by building walls between you and the whole world, you won’t keep suffering away from your life, you will keep it in your life!
Can’t you see?
It’s that closed door and those fearful walls that are causing you to experience all that pain. Open the door to your heart. Let go of fear. Tear down the walls you have built and allow trust, light, and love to govern your heart.
Fear condemns and love forgives. Forgiveness thus undoes what fear has produced.~ A Course in Miracles
4. Age is an issue of mind over matter
Who cares how young or old you are? It’s not your age that’s standing between you and all the wonderful thing you long for, it’s you! Your thoughts, your beliefs, your excuses and your self-imposed limitations are the ones that keep you from acting on your heart’s desire. Age has nothing to do with it.
If your inner fire is still burning and if you’re really passionate about crafting the life of your dreams, worrying about your age will be the last thing on your mind.
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. ~ Mark Twain
5. Life will give you whatever you ask for.
Life is good with those who think they deserve to receive good things and “bad” with those who think they deserve to receive “bad things. Life gives you whatever you ask of it. It doesn’t discriminate.
If you want to receive great things from life, you have to ask for them, but not only that. You also have to feel worthy of receiving them, and you have to be willing to take the necessary steps that will help you achieve the things you want to achieve. None of the things you want will just fall into your lap – you’ve got to go out and work for them.
I bargained with Life for a penny, and Life would pay no more, however I begged at evening when I counted my scanty store. ‘Life is a just employer, he gives you what you ask, but once you have set the wages, why, you must bear the task. ‘I worked for a menial’s hire, only to learn dismayed, that any wage I had asked of Life, Life would have willingly paid.~ My Wage by Jessie B. Rittenhouse
6. Life isn’t as bad as you THINK it is.
We all have crazy thoughts running through our heads but that doesn’t mean we have to believe everything we think. Whenever a negative and toxic thought runs through your mind, replace it with a positive one. That’s how it’s done. That’s how you go from negative to positive thinking. One step at a time, one thought at a time.
Thoughts are like an open ocean, they can either move you forward within its waves or sink you under deep into its abyss.~ Anthony Liccione
7. It’s not them, it’s You.
The world is not against you, it really isn’t. It’s not the world that’s against you, it’s you that’s against the world and by rebelling against the world you are in fact rebelling against yourself. Make peace with yourself and the whole world will make peace with you.
Nothing external to you has any power over you. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
8. Your future will be exactly like the way you feel today.
What does this mean? it means that if you are constantly criticizing and complaining about everything and everyone, pointing fingers and expecting the whole world to change just so you can finally be happy, your future will be an identical copy of your present reality. It’s not the world that needs to change so that you can finally be happy, it is you. Nothing changes until you do…
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.~ Leo Tolstoy
9. None of this will matter in the end
Do you really think that the things you are now stressing and worrying about will even matter one year from now? I doubt that. Let go of stress. Laugh in the face of chaos. None of it will matter in the end.
Your life has an expiration date and so does mine. None of us is going to live forever. Stress less, live more. Detach from all the drama that your mind is constantly trying to create. Focus on the things that truly matter and start laying the foundation for the wonderful life you say you want to live. You’re not going to live forever. If you don’t start living your life fully now, chances are that you never will…
People wait all week for Friday, all year for Summer, and all life for Happiness… ~ Ritu Ghatourey.
Get unstuck and get going. I will be cheering for you all the way.
~love, Luminita 💫
What about you? With how many of these 9 truths were you already familiar with? You can share your comment below 🙂
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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