How to Be Happy In an Unhappy Environment

“If you want to be happy, be”. ~Leo Tolstoy

How can you be happy in an unhappy environment? How can you be happy in an unhappy world, is that even possible?

Is the world we’re living in a hostile or happy place? I guess it all depends on who you are asking but if you really think about it, the world is neither happy nor unhappy, neither good nor bad, and just like Shakespeare said it, there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

We are the ones who perceive things as being in one way or another. The outside world is nothing more than a projection of our inside world, a projection of who we are. A projection of our own fears, doubts, struggles and our own darkness.

The world is full of negativity, poverty, and suffering because we have projected our own negativity, our own pain, and our own suffering onto it and as a result, it became that.

So many of us blame the world for our lack of happiness, our lack of abundance and inner peace not understanding that by doing so we give our power away, allowing outside forces to control our lives.

“Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.” ~Francesca Reigler

If we choose to watch the news every single day, if we focus our attention on the things that are missing, on the things that are not working, on poverty rather than abundance, on ugliness rather than beauty, then yes, the world would definitely be seen as a really unhappy place. On the other hand, if we choose to focus on the many incredible things that take place every day across the world, all the beautiful people in our lives, all the amazing things that are happening to us and all around us, then the world would be seen as a beautiful, harmonious, peaceful and happy place.

“Most people would rather be certain they’re miserable than risk being happy.” ~Robert Anthony

Happiness is a choice and it starts coming your way the moment you decide to take responsibility for your own thoughts, your own beliefs, actions, and behaviors. Contrary to what many of us have been led to believe, happiness has nothing to do with your geographic location, your age, skin color, race, religion, weight, etc..

Until we let go of our need to see ourselves as victims of the world and until we let go of the constant need to complain and criticize everyone and everything for what is missing in our lives we won’t really be happy.

We only have one life to live, this life.Don’t waste it by focusing on the bad and the ugly.

“What a wonderful life I’ve had! I only wish I’d realized it sooner.” ~Colette

Learn to enjoy and appreciate both the good and the bad in your life. Appreciate all that you are and all that you have or don’t have.  Learn to live in harmony with those around you, leaving behind all the conflicts and all the negativity.

How do you stay happy in an unhappy environment? What helps you keep your focus on the good instead of the bad?  I really want to know what are your thoughts on this. You can share your insights by joining the conversation in the comment section below :)

~Love, Luminita💫


Luminita D. Saviuc

Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.

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  • Ilse

    at 11:01 am

    Everythkng is very open with a very clear explanation of
    the issues. It was truly informative. Your website is useful.
    Many thanks for sharing!

  • lori

    at 11:30 pm

    Well said and so very true. Need to work on this ………. ty again 🙂

  • Angie

    at 3:40 pm

    I decided to change my life in much this same way several years ago. I sometimes get criticized for not watching every awful story in the news or I get called selfish…but I just shrug it off because I am truly a happier person. Thank you for helping keep me happy.

  • Carolyn Zeltner

    at 6:13 pm

    Hi Evelyn.
    It’s not wrong to protect ourselves, because just as Patti said, everyone else is not like us. There are a lot of very unhappy souls out there. I know it helps me to remember that they are operating on their highest level of awareness and consciousness, and that it heals my heart to forgive them and try not to take their actions personally. I’m sorry that you were hurt by those actions. Don’t let it change your good heart! ~ Carolyn

  • Linda

    at 9:37 pm

    Thank you Rodney. Life is good for those who have found their own happiness. And I am one of them.
    I’m afraid and feel sorry for those who can’t find it.
    Life is so short. People want to be happy, but they forget it comes from within.

  • Nneoma

    at 11:07 am

    Thank you so very much for this article. I am really blessed to thank you once again

  • Name (required)

    at 5:28 pm

    This article sort of makes sense, but happiness is harder to achieve for some people than others. Some people are born in more negative environments and grow up with more negativity around them. Some people have bad luck, get mugged etc. I’m sure they did not always project it. I think it’s a natal chart thing.

  • rodney

    at 10:35 pm

    Thanks Linda,the way you wrote this made me laugh.Here’s a happy back to you!

  • Lew

    at 9:06 pm

    I am grateful to the writer who took the time to write this piece and share it with the rest of us. What a generous act! These words really have struck a cord with me and I immediately can see that the only way to find happiness is to see the kindness and humanity in ourselves and others. I will keep this article handy and review it when I find myself letting the circumstances in my life dictate my happiness.

    Well done!

  • Pattie

    at 8:13 pm

    Evelyn, I am truly sorry that this has happened to you. I believe that bad things do happen to good people. How miserable that pickpocketer must be. I too, find myself paranoid when I go out. I don’t walk through my neighborhood without my German Shepherd and have gotten a concealed weapons permit. Even though I am a complete optimist, in these crazy times you be happy, but also take precautions. Be happy but realize that everyone is not like us. Pattie

  • John

    at 5:47 pm

    “Happiness is like a butterfly – the more you chase it, the more it will elude you. But if you turn your attention towards other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder. ” – H D Thoreau

  • Harry

    at 5:30 pm

    “Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be” – Abraham Lincoln

  • Linda

    at 3:11 pm

    A couple of years ago, I went to visit a friend in Arizona. We had known each other for 35 years and enjoyed seeing each other. After a couple of days, she started critisizing me. She didn’t like how I felt about anything. She didn’t like much about me anymore. I told her I was happy inside and that I was also happy with all I do. Just a happy person all around. She told me what I should be doing to make my life better. I hadn’t complained about anything in my life. She just kept at me about what I should be doing to grow as a person. And when I
    told her I was fine and that we grow as a person everyday all through life, she said Oh, yes, I forgot, you are happy.
    I was so upset, I decided to come back home. I had to get away from that.
    I decide that she couldn’t stand to be around a happy person because she didn’t know how to find it herself.
    She didn’t understand that happiness comes from within. And that I had found it a long time ago.
    I haven’t seen her since then. I sent her an e-mail when I got home thanking her for the things we did do when I was there. But she just wrote back critisizing me more.
    Needless to say, we are not friends anymore. But that’s her loss, and I am still the happy person I have always been.

  • Andrea Picarelli

    at 2:54 pm

    I feel like you have been reading my mind lately and writing articles that I really need! Keep these coming! Love it!
    Thanks so much!

  • Joni

    at 1:27 pm

    Our interselves cannot be happy by turning the bad news off on the tv or radio. We must talk to our neighbors, try to love one another and make this world a better place for then we will find true happiness within ourselves. Joni

  • Evalina

    at 1:21 pm

    I’m choosing to be happy! Thank you for great post.
    Evalina, This and that…

  • Sudha

    at 1:16 pm

    Awesome! Hopefully I can try to change my attitude after reading this article. TCOY!

  • Evelyn

    at 11:28 am

    I’m practicing the positive attitude, and being happy with what i have and enjoy life as it comes. I try not to project negative thoughts. But there are evil people out there that really exist. And I’m not just imagining it. How about crimes thar happen everyday?

    I was just pickpocketed recently. I did not project that.
    Then i became paranoid of my surroundings snd i think we should. Is that being negative?

  • Sandra

    at 11:23 am

    Great article….thanks Marja for the tip about the book “How We Choose To be Happy” by Rick Foster & Greg Hicks. Looks like a great read!

  • Kevin

    at 11:01 am

    Great and powerful article. Thanks

  • Lucy DelSarto

    at 7:45 am

    As a Wellness Coach and Speaker, I emphasis all the time: Wellness is an inside job. Live a life of gratitude & good will follow. TCOY! TCOY = Take Care of You

  • marja samsom

    at 4:28 am

    again a useful post& thank you.
    recently a dear friend, my brother send me this book ‘how we choose to be happy’ by rick foster & greg hicks
    can highly recommend it

  • Melody

    at 7:11 pm

    Sooo much truth in one little article. Love it! Thank you 🙂


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