What can you do to start spreading love all over this planet? Well, it only takes one tiny act to begin the snowball of heartfelt love. Why not try a few of these ideas to open up your heart space and allow others to experience what true unconditional love feels like.
Spreading Love
There is nothing like the vibration of LOVE. It makes us feel good and it makes others feel good. Couple it with the frequency of gratitude and you have a winning formula for life!
“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” ~ Carl Jung
The 11 Step Guide to Spreading Love
1. Be Kind
Do random acts of genuine kindness. You can smile more when you walk down the street, open doors for strangers (even women can open doors for men — ladies can be gentlemen too!), give a genuine compliment. I’ll leave the rest up to your spontaneity and imagination.
2. Spreading Love Like Butter!
Spreading love can be done whenever. This can be in the form of a silent blessing or a simple touch to show you care. You can just be present and truly listen to someone without the need to speak — this is an incredibly loving and somewhat overlooked gesture. When you do speak, let your words melt upon listening ears and drip with tender, loving gentleness.

3. Be the Mirror
Try to notice yourself in others and aim to perceive that we are all a part of God. Send love to everyone, especially those who irritate, provoke or scare you. Feed people with fear and they will become fearsome, feed them with love and they will become loving, this is what spreading love is all about.
4. Extend Yourself
See your brothers and sisters all over the world as your extended family. We all intrinsically have one ultimate goal — to live in joy, love, and peace. Some have a strange way of showing it but they may be so lost in darkness that they have forgotten what radiance looks like.
It is up to you to show them the light instead of judging or criticizing their path. Spreading love is going to be the only solution to hatred, war, and destruction, not complaints and judgments.
5. Love all Life
Express acts of love and kindness to animals, plants and insects too, we are their guardians. All life has the signature of our creator embedded in their fabric. Remember this when you feel the urge to destroy something willy-nilly. Ask yourself if it is necessary? Your awareness is the key to unlocking your heart center.
6. Offer Acknowledgement
Recognize others by saying ‘hello’ or dishing out your most debonair greeting smile. People love to be acknowledged and this can have a profound effect on their day and all the other people they interact with from thereon out.
7. Just Plain Give
Practice giving without the need for receiving. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to give. Giving could be in the form of a poem, a prayer, a generous and thoughtful act, a bunch of wildflowers, the giving of your attention or time. In doing so, we will be spreading love more and more.
8. The Gratitude Train
Give thanks for all the things that are going right in your life. We so often harp on the things that are going wrong for us. We take too little time bringing into our awareness all that is marvelous — like the roof over your head, the warm and comfortable bed you sleep into the fridge full of groceries you may have.
These simple things are luxury items to others and the more you are grateful for your blessings, the more blessings you will receive to continue your vibration of gratitude. This is how the universe works.
9. See Your Lessons
Give thanks for all the mistakes you have made in your life that taught you valuable lessons. The strong and capable person you are today has arisen from the ashes of what went wrong yesterday. Be the phoenix and always gracefully emerge from the flames with your head held high and a fire of passion in your heart.

10. Hug Thy Neighbor!
Give away free hugs whenever you see the opportunity. Humans are tactile beings (well, at least some of us anyway) and the value of appropriate physical contact can be just what someone may need from you. Spreading love is not that difficult.
11. Appreciate Love in Return
Always let the special people in your life know that they are appreciated. It is sad that the ones closest to our hearts can be the ones that are the most neglected. Remember to hug, kiss and verbalize your love every morning (or whenever you see them). Yes, that means no grunting on the way to the coffee machine, you need to pick up your sleepy head and plant one on their cheek (provided you have remembered to brush those teeth first)!
Now is as good a time as any to get out there and extend your lovable self to others. How do you plan on spreading love today? Why don’t you share with us any ideas and remedies you have come up with to infect this planet with love.
~love, Luminita💫
Cherie Roe Dirksen
Cherie is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist and musician living in the Klein Karoo, South Africa. She has weekly blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.comwhere she discusses practical and insightful perspectives on taking responsibility for your life and following your bliss.You can follow her on Facebook, on Pinterest, on LinkedIn and on YouTube.
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