States of Consciousness: The Endless States People Fall Into

“There are an infinite number of states. The state of health, the state of sickness, the state of wealth, the state of poverty, the state of being known, the state of being unknown, all are only states and everyone is always in a state.” ~ Neville Goddard

States of Consciousness

I don’t believe that people are evil. I believe that they simply fall into states – some lovely and some not so lovely. And that they confuse the state with who they are. We confuse the state with who they are. 

I am sure it has happened to you many times, to act in ways that are cruel, unjust and unloving. To think thoughts that made you feel guilty and ashamed. But does that make you cruel, unjust and unloving?

Of course not. 

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We all move from one state to another. And although we often stay in a certain state for far too long, I feel that it is crucial to always look beyond the surface and the states we fall into so that we can discover the answer to the question: Who am I?

Who am I really?

If I am not my thoughts, feelings, moods and behaviors; if I am what I do and what I have, who am I?

The Endless States People Fall Into

Profound questions will always lead to profound answers. But in order for you to get a profound answer, you must first be brave enough to ask a profound question.

Ask more of yourself. 

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Do not settle for the breadcrumbs others have thrown at you. Aspire to form an intimate and personal connection to the Sacred within you by daring to know your Self for who you truly are. 

Always go deeper than you believe you can; higher than you think it’s possible. And do not stop until you reach that sacred space within yourself where love is always at home and fear and evil do not exist. 


I don’t believe that people are evil. I believe that they simply fall into states. And that these states have no power to touch, or alter in any way the truth of who we all are. 


Luminita D. Saviuc

Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.

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