The 21-Day Happiness Challenge Day 5: Look for the Lesson in Everything
“Don’t look for faults. Look for the lessons in everything that has happened to you. Look for the good in the bad, look for the beautiful in the ugly… Take the best out of every experience. Allow your challenges to make you better, not bitter.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc, 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy
Believe it or not, life isn’t something that happens TO you. Life is something that happens FOR you – the people that come your way, the experiences, the places, the things you see and the interactions you have, they are all happening for your highest good, for your own growth and spiritual evolution. There are no accidents. No errors, no failures, and no mistakes. It’s all happening exactly the way it’s supposed to.
Look for the Lesson in Everything Exercise: 21-DAY Happiness Challenge Day 5
Grab a pen and a piece of paper, and think now of an amazing experience from your past, and when you’re ready, write down ONE valuable lesson this experience has taught you.
Now think of another experience, this time an unpleasant one, and write down THREE valuable lessons this experience has taught you.
Take your time thinking about this, and when you’re ready, take three deep cleansing breaths, and bring back the feeling of awe, appreciation, and contentment.
You have completed the exercise for the day 🙂
And remember, on this day, look for the lesson in everything. Look for the meaning. Be open and receptive to all that life has to offer you, and by doing so, no experience will ever be wasted.
~love, Luminita💫
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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