
 It takes a lot of courage to disappoint your family to be true to yourself. A lot of courage to start saying ‘no’ to others and ‘yes’ to yourself. But if you do it, you discover that it was never about pleasing them, but rather about being true to you.

How to Find the Courage to Disappoint Your Family to Be True to Yourself

1. It will all end one day.

When the time will come for you to leave this world, looking back at your life, you will realize that it was never about pleasing your family or anyone else. But rather about you being true to you and true to all that life created you to be.

How to Find the Courage to Disappoint Your Family and Be True to Yourself

2. Your life is yours and yours alone.

Here’s the thing… Your life is yours and yours alone. And nobody, not even your family has the right to deprive you of your rights to be true to yourself and live the unique and purposeful life you came here to live.

3. No amount of family love is worth betraying your own soul.

How to Find the Courage to Disappoint Your Family to Be True to Yourself

We all need to feel like we have a place where we belong. A place where we feel loved and welcomed. And families are usually the best place to feel that way. But if you need to shrink, or even lose your sense of self in order to feel welcomed, loved, and approved by your family or anyone in this world, then you need to take some time to think things through. No amount of family love, acceptance or approval is worth betraying yourself and your own soul.

4. The only safe place is in Being Authentic.

One of the many reasons why so many people are afraid to disappoint their family to be true to themselves is because they want to feel safe, loved, and accepted. But what they don’t realize is that real safety can only be found in being authentic and living life with integrity.

If your family loves you for something you are not, for something that’s not real and authentic, you will never feel safe.

The only safe place is in living with integrity and being true to yourself, your path, and your soul’s purpose. That’s the only way to feel truly safe.

5. You weren’t born to hide, you were born to Shine!

Our families, friends and the people we surround ourselves wit are meant to encourage, inspire, and empower you to grow and evolve. They are all meant to help you create a life that brings you joy, peace, and meaning. To lift you up, not tear you down. To help you shine and not cause you to shrink and hide.

And even though, unfortunately, that isn’t always the case, you should never ever hide yourself from yourself.

Don’t hide yourself from your family or the world around you. Know that your family needs you to be you.The world needs you to be you.Your Soul needs you to be You. I need you to be You.

We all need you to be you!

How to Find the Courage to Disappoint Your Family to Be True to Yourself

6. Your Soul is in your keeping.

This quote from the movie, Kingdom of Heaven says it all…

“A king may move a man, a father may claim a son, but that man can also move himself, and only then does that man truly begin his own game. Remember that howsoever you are played or by whom, your soul is in your keeping alone, even though those who presume to play you be kings or men of power. When you stand before God, you cannot say, “But I was told by others to do thus,” or that virtue was not convenient at the time. This will not suffice. Remember that.” ~ from the movie, Kingdom of Heaven

How to Find the Courage to Disappoint Your Family to Be True to Yourself

7. Your family members will treat you the way you allow them to treat you.

You are not a puppet and your family is not a master puppeteer. The only reason why your family can pursue you to say ‘yes’ when you should be saying ‘no’, and ‘make’ you to do things you don’t really feel like doing is because at one point in your life, you allowed this to happen.

Through your words or lack of them, your actions or inactions, you taught your family that it’s okay to treat you the way it does.

But things can change, if you want them to change. If you want things to be different, you can make them so by holding your ground, drawing a line, and no longer allowing your boundaries to be crossed. The power is in your hands.

8. By being true to yourself you give your family permission to do the same.

One of the most powerful and most profound lessons I have learned from life is that by being true to yourself, by allowing your light to shine, and by becoming ONE with all that life created you to be, you automatically give those around you permission to do the same.

You can do that for your family!

Being true to yourself might cause some disruptions and disturbances in your family relationships, but eventually, it all be all right. You will be all right...

How to Find the Courage to Disappoint Your Family to Be True to Yourself

9. Forgive and let go.

No matter what your family story might be, and no matter how long you have been doing things in ways that felt ‘right’ for others but not for yourself, it’s important to understand that we all do the best we can with what we know. And when we will know better, we will do better.

There is a deep need in each and every one of us to love and be loved. To belong and to feel welcomed and accepted by our families and the world we live in. And whenever we feel threatened, we act in ways that might not always be kind and loving towards ourselves and those we love.

But that’s not because we’re bad people. It’s only because we are human.

I am human.

You are human.

Your family is human.

The potentiality for fear, anger, cruelty or any other irrational and dark behavior is in all of us… And instead of feeling bitter, angry, upset or resentful, it is better to forgive and let go. It is wiser to let go and be happy.

~love, Luminita💫

** Question: Is it okay to disappoint your family to be true to yourself? Is it okay to disappoint your family in order for you to walk your unique path in life and express yourself, your unique gifts and talents the way life intended? I would really love to know what are your thoughts on this. Please leave your comment in the comment section below:


Luminita D. Saviuc

Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.

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