Dealing with Loss: 10 Ways to Remember Your Departed Loved Ones

Are you dealing with loss? Have you recently lost a loved one? Are you grieving over the loss of your grandmother, father or your beloved pet? Are you in the depths of despair and have lost the will to eat?

We know that dealing with loss is one of the toughest experiences anyone has to go through and that death is no laughing matter. Many have found different ways to deal with loss of a loved one or pet. While not all ways of coping are great, each person needs to find their own way of accepting the loss and learning to live with it.

Dealing with Loss

Many use the expression, “time heals all wounds,” as a blanket response on dealing with loss. While it is true that over time the pain and hurt you feel will become less noticeable but it doesn’t help with the pain you feel presently.

It seems that life has a way of throwing hardships at each of us to see how strongly we can handle it. We understand what is like to lose a loved one simply because each of us has lost someone. Each of us found our own way of coping and learning to live with it.

Through our own experiences and research, we compiled some tips that help with the loss of a loved one in the present while honoring the life they led. While time does indeed heal all wounds, sometimes we all need a little help to get there.

Dealing with Loss: 10 Ways to Remember Your Departed Loved Ones

Dealing with Loss: 10 Ways to Remember Your Departed Loved Ones


Mira Alicki

Mira Alicki is a jewelry designer and goldsmith for the past 22 years. Her passion for animals led her to create her own line of jewelry and online store to benefit charities. 40% of each purchase is donated back to the animal community. You can find Mira on Twitter or visit her website,

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