“You know the saying “Relationships are 50/50”. That isn’t always true, sometimes you have to give a little more than you take from relationships, and that’s another way to love your partner”.~ Kimberly Brown
We’ve all seen the Facebook challenges and the adorable photos of the happy couples. I get tagged in posts like: “Share this post if you truly love your spouse” or “7-day Spouse Challenge”. I can’t even tell you how many I have ignored. This doesn’t mean I don’t love my husband or that something is wrong.
Truth be told, I just don’t have time to spend hours finding pictures of us. I don’t have time to write a facebook about him post every day for a month.
“Intense love does not measure, it just gives” ~ Mother Teresa
I do have time to love my husband, though, and you do too! You don’t need facebook to tell the world you love them, you just need THEM to know you love them. I challenge you to try showing your partner you love them in person, not on the internet. Shutdown your social media and find ways to love your partner in a meaningful, memorable way.
10 Ways to Love Your Partner in a Meaningful Way
Here are 10 Ways to Love Your Partner in a Meaningful Way:
1. Talk to each other daily.
One of the many ways to love your partner is to talk to each other daily. This is a serious problem in relationships. We are too busy with social media, with our kids, watching Netflix, or with friends. Yes, we may spend time together but are you really communicating every day?
Ask them how their day went and really listen.
Make eye contact or hold hands while you chat. Think about when you were dating and you wanted to know everything about them! Make a point to communicate often.
2. Do something nice for them.
Another way to love your partner is to pay attention to their week. Do they seem overwhelmed with chores? Too busy to pack their lunch? Try taking some of the load off for them. Take out the trash or wake up early to cook them breakfast and pack them lunch. Write them a love note and hide it in their work bag! You don’t have to spend money on them, just find simple things to show them you care.
3. Build them up.
Find something they do well throughout the week and tell them how awesome they are. Whether it’s something big like a promotion at work or something small like they turned down ice cream to lose weight. The point is to let them know you still think they are amazing!
4. Respect their space and time.
Something I learned later in my marriage is that it’s okay to do things away from your partner. I missed out on a lot of me time because I felt guilty for leaving my hubby to fix his own dinner. You cannot feel guilty for needing some space!
Space is good and it helps you feel rejuvenated. Not only do you need time for you, your partner needs time for themselves. So send them out with their friends while you spend time treating yourself. Besides, you’ll miss each other during your time away!
5. Flirt.
Send them a flirty text while they are at work or out with their friends. Play hard to get! It’s okay to be silly and fun still!
6. Do something unexpected.
Long relationships can sometimes feel routine and boring. Spice things up by doing something you would never do. Get lost on a surprise road trip or change up your hairstyle. Be a little daring and adventurous from time to time just to keep them guessing!
7. Give more than you take.
You know the saying, “Relationships are 50/50”. That isn’t always true, sometimes you have to give a little more than you take from relationships, and that’s another way to love your partner.
When I know my husband is having a rough week or stressed with work, I make it a point to go above and beyond to make his life easier at home. Sometimes it is hard and it makes my life busier but my husband appreciates every bit of it. He doesn’t always pay it back right away but knowing that I helped him and supported him is worth it!
8. Date night
This doesn’t mean you have to schedule a night out every week. We don’t always have time for that with two kids and jobs and life swirling around us. For date night, sometimes all it means is being present with each other. Shutting down your phones, turning on some music and hanging out.
9. Be intimate.
Physical touch has amazing powers and is my favorite way to show love. Linger longer when you hug, hold hands and kiss often! I read a study that the average couple kisses once a week! That is way too little for me. Grab your partner right now and kiss them!
10. Love yourself.
This is usually the hardest part about loving your partner! If we don’t feel good about us, then we are probably not feeling good about anything. You need to invest in yourself and make sure that you are loving who YOU are.
Take time to appreciate all you do in your relationship and to reflect on how awesome it is to be YOU! Remind yourself daily that you are amazing and incredible and that anyone who is with you is one lucky person!
Think about how loved your partner will feel when they see you going out of your way to love them. What fun you will have when you start connecting in person and feel intimate with your loved one on a new level! You never know what fun it could lead to.
Kimberly Brown
Kimberly Brown is a wife, mom and Paleo enthusiast! Kimberly has been blogging her Paleo journey and has even written recipes that are featured in three of Paleo Magazine’s: Reader’s Favorite Cookbook and Paleo Lifestyle Magazine. She has a passion for coaching others in their Paleo journey and helping others reach their health and weight-loss goals. You can connect with her on Twitter and Facebook
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