Can you imagine waking up one day and realising you´re not really living your life? Realising that, in fact, you are just living the life of your family, your parents, your teachers, your friends and that society norms told you how to live?
Can you imagine finding yourself so far away from who you are, that you need to start looking for yourself?
This is a true story, one that I lived. And, if this sounds familiar… you are not alone.
80% of people hate their jobs, according to a Deloitte’s Shift Index survey. So, 80% of working people live lives that erode their self-esteem, lower their sense of self and create an emptiness inside…
“I don´t know what to do with my life… I feel kinda lost… Can´t figure out what my life purpose is….” These are thoughts you most probably get to hear from the voice between your ears, but also from many other people around…
What if you live your entire life only to discover that it was wrong?
What is your life work? What is that you showed up to do?
Figuring out the meaning of your life, why you are here, is the only way to get into your power place. It’s the only way to start living a fulfilling, heart-centered and balanced life. With no major regrets at its end.
5 Powerful Mindsets for Finding Purpose in Your Life
I´ve started this very journey 10 years ago. And the following 5 mindsets unexpectedly turned my path into a much chipper and fulfilling ride.
1. Finding Purpose is not about the destination. It is all about the journey
Eckhart Tolle, in “A New Earth, Awakening To Your Life Purpose”, explains that we have an Inner Purpose, as well as an Outer Purpose.
The Inner (Spiritual) Purpose is to be here & now. To fully accept and embrace our life, to fully live it. And to consciously decide to be happy today.
The Outer Purpose is our mission. The way we are meant to serve this world, giving it our unique skills and talents. The way we can contribute to other people´s lives.
So, the inner purpose is our life journey, while our outer purpose is our destination.
The quality of the destination always depends on the quality of our journey. And if there is constant dissatisfaction and denial along the way, the destination cannot be a genuinely happy and truthful experience.
We need to step into that state of happiness, practice it and own it, every day. And the uncovering of our outer purpose will follow.
In the end, we might just find that purpose is not about the destination, but about the journey…
2. Make a clear difference between your WANTS and your NEEDS
More often than not, we mistake our wishes – that dictate our priorities, goals, actions and outcomes – for our needs.
But what makes us happy is fulfilling our mind, body and heart needs. While exclusively going after our wishes generally leaves us empty and lost.
We say: I want a business that makes me lots of money.
And we forget this: I need a business that makes me feel happy and meaningful.
I want to get make lots of money and have success. While forgetting that I need love in my life.
So… take a moment and think: What do you need right now?
If you only had 3 months to live, what would you be doing?
3. Focus more on Feeling than on Doing
Usually, people are all about doing. They are doing, doing, doing, in the hopes that this will give them a better being, a better state somewhere in the future.
The truth is that doing and being are not really connected. At least not the way we think. Our state of being is rather dictated by the way we choose to feel… And the meaning of our lives comes from feeling rather than from doing.
It´s the way we choose to feel that makes us be in a certain way and find meaning.
So, when going about your regular activities in your life, take the time to stop and ask yourself: How does this make me feel, on a scale from 1 to 10?
If it´s not giving you a good enough level of satisfaction (it can be 7, 8 or above, you decide), then it´s not serving your life purpose.
If that activity was serving your mission, no matter the bumps in the road, you´d be still passionate, pumped up and enthusiastic about it.
4. Share your dreams only with like-minded people
People that gave up their dreams usually go through life discouraging other people. They are the naysayers trying their best to talk others out of their ideas. To convince them that living their dreams is not possible, just because it was not possible for them.
So, a lot of people end up not living their life purpose, just because they believe they need permission to. And this permission never comes, or doesn’t come in the form they expect it to.
So, just choose to share your dreams only with the people that resonate on the same frequency as you do. So that you get inspired and you can also inspire others too.
5. Forget what you’ve been told about how your life should look like
What makes you successful may not necessarily fulfil you. Nevertheless, many people are living a success script. The script they’ve been educated on since childhood.
Following this script, you’ll probably get successful, all right, but, eventually, you’ll end up finding yourself unfulfilled and unhappy.
Success without fulfilment is a failure.
And the only way to change the game is to change its rules. You need to let go of other peoples´ expectations and definitions of success. Let go of living other peoples´ lives. Let go of all the efforts to make your living look like what you’ve already seen before.
Your life purpose is all about you, your soul´s needs and your talents.
It´s your path, that awaits to be created, on your own terms.
It´s your unique gift to this world.
And it´s your own, personal truth.
With all my love,
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Cristina Bold
Cristina is an international Mindset & Transformation coach, that helps professional women get clarity on their life purpose and create a meaningful, heart-centered and fun life. Before coaching, for 14 years, she worked in the corporate world for some of the biggest global companies. To learn more about Cristina, visit her website or Facebook Page.
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