A healthier life starts with a healthier you.
Often, human beings are found in the pursuit of happiness. We work 9 to 5 jobs to earn money to buy materialistic things we consider a source of our happiness until something new or latest comes along.
And so the cycle continues. Unfortunately, what we overlook is often the most important thing for a happy, peaceful, and healthier life. We often compromise our physical and mental health to run for a living and all its temptations.
Here are 8 habits for enjoying a healthier life and rebuild one of the most important relationships from your life: the one with yourself.
8 Habits for Enjoying a Healthier Life
1. Love yourself
When you love yourself for what you are and what you are not, life becomes so much easier. Instead of comparing yourself to others for things that cannot be changed, learn to appreciate what you have and who you are.

This journey of acceptance may be challenging, but you will love every bit of it. Once the mind is at peace, it brings harmony to the body and soul. This is what health is all about. When you start loving yourself, you will feel the positive change in your attitude and it will boost your confidence. And slowly, but surely, change it to a healthier life.
2. Change your environment
Living in a healthy environment is what we all want, but sadly, everyone is not blessed enough to have this basic necessity. You can change things in your favor, though.
- Keep your home and surroundings clean and hygienic.
- Plant lots of trees around you. If you are not into gardening, get the local Green Thumb Society to help. Greenery uplifts the mood and beautifies your surroundings.
- Dispose of trash the right way. Reuse what can be reused and recycle the rest.
3. Take good care of your body
Our body is nature’s gift to us and we must take very good care of it. Take proper care of your personal hygiene as it is essential for a healthy life. Make sure to take necessary steps in order to observe proper hygiene for your body.
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4. Take care of your physical health
Your physical health greatly affects the overall functioning of your body. In order to ensure that your body is working at its best, you need to take extra care of your physical health.
- Be physically active. Depending on your age and lifestyle, pick up a sport or any physical activity that suits you. It can be anything from a walk to an intense workout or a weight lifting session in the gym.
- Get yourself vaccinated.
- Protect yourself from harsh weather conditions, like too much sun or the extreme cold.
- Keep a check and record of your blood pressure, blood sugar level, and cholesterol levels.
5. Avoid commercial food
The food we eat has a great impact on us. If you want to stay healthy and live a long life, say no to commercial food.
Replace all ready-to-eat, prepared and comfort foods with healthy alternatives such as fresh fruits and vegetables, yogurt, oats, salads and fresh lean meat. Avoid processed and canned foods as they are full of harmful ingredients.
If you can, try to go for organic fruits and vegetables. They may be heavy on the pocket, but they are best for your health.
6. Say no to stress
Stress drains you of mental and physical strength. Avoid people and situations that stress you out and instead surround yourself with people who are positive and love you. Take necessary steps to alleviate stress levels. Organize yourself and make a priority list. Yoga and meditation are known to do wonders for stress alleviation. Take out time to yourself and practice yoga and meditation.

7. Learn from your mistakes
A golden rule for a healthy and happy life is; your mistakes should only be remembered as lessons and learnings. Do not feel guilty about the wrongs you did in the past. It is gone and feeling guilty cannot make it right. Feeling sad affects the brain and can cause depression, anxiety, and several other serious mental disorders. Forgive, forget and move on.
8. Be positive
Positivity alters your life completely. It changes the way we think, the way we perceive things and the way we react to situations and people. Train your mind to think about the most positive aspect of a situation. It brings peace and happiness. It changes the attitude with which we meet others and leaves a positive impact on them. A healthy and peaceful mind promises a healthy life.
What about you? What is the first step you can take today to create a healthier life? Share your thought in the comments below
Audrey Throne
Audrey Throne is a mother of a 2-year old and a professional blogger by choice. Throne is passionate about health, technology and management and blogs frequently on these topics. You can connect with Audrey via Twiter.
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