People have so many misleading ideas about what it means to live your life on purpose. And because they focus so much on what “the experts” are saying, and not so much on what they know in their hearts to be true, they often end up feeling disoriented, lost and confused.
Today’s article is meant to bring some clarity into all that confusion so that you can relax knowing you are doing great, and that you are exactly where you need to be in life.
8 Things People Get Wrong about Life on Purpose:
1. Your Life Purpose has to BIG, BOLD, and GRANDIOSE

The first thing people get wrong about life on purpose is that it has to be BIG, BOLD and GRANDIOSE. Living your life on purpose isn’t about doing something big, bold and grandiose as so many people are led to believe. It isn’t about changing the world and making a great impact. But rather about pouring your heart into your work and doing small things with great love.
“If you are called to be a street sweeper, sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, ‘Here lived a great street-sweeper who did his job well.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
2. Your Life Purpose is something you need to find
Your life purpose isn’t something you need to find, but rather something you need to tune into, something you need to align with. Your purpose was placed in your heart right from the moment of your creation, and all you have to do is look within to remember who you are, and why you are here on this earth.

3. A Great Master will show you the way
You have to take your own journey and you have to walk your own path. Nobody can do it for you. Your inner voice and guidance, your intuition – they are your Master.
Listen to them!
There is no greater Master than the one already present within you.
4. Your Purpose is about saving the world
The world isn’t in need of your saving – yours or anyone’s.
You are!
Why do you think Jesus crucified himself and not the whole world? And why do you think Buddha insisted we focused on our own salvation and not the salvation of the world? Because the world is a reflection of our humanity. The world is our mirror. And if we see darkness in the world, that’s only because there is darkness in us.
Cleanse yourself, and the world will be cleansed.
Save yourself, and the world will be saved!
“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” – Buddha

5. The world needs to validate your purpose
The world may not recognize the value of your work and the beauty of your purpose – it happened to many great men and women in the past, and it can still happen to many great men and women in the present – but that shouldn’t stop you from living your life on purpose.
If you wait for the whole world to recognize the value of you and your purpose, you might wait forever. And you know why? Because the majority of people can’t recognize their own value, let alone yours. Living your life on purpose is all about doing what you love and loving what you do, no matter if the world perceives your work as valuable or not. If there is no Love, there is no real Value.
“Do your work, then step back. The only path to serenity.” ~ Lao Tzu
6. Your Purpose is proof of how special you are
Beware of spiritual pride who comes disguised as Light and is filled only with darkness.
If you have tens, hundreds, thousands or even millions of people who come in contact with your work and all that you do, know that it isn’t because you are more special than your fellow humans.
Far from that!
It is only because your heart, your mind, and your eyes are more open than those of your fellow humans. This is what makes you a great vessel for wisdom and grace, and this is what makes it easier for Love, for Life, and for Light to work through you. These things come through you – to be shared with the whole world – but not for you. Keep that in mind.
7. The Bigger your Purpose, the more Rights you have
Imagine how silly it would be to see water, who is Life, demand it’s rights for being and for doing the big and grandiose things it does for the whole world. Do you see how silly that would be? The same goes with our big purpose.
You might think you are entitled to a lot of things just because you are offering so much to so many people, but the truth of the matter is that you are entitled to nothing. The bigger your purpose, the bigger your responsibilities, but not your rights.
8. Your Life Purpose never changes
Your life purpose is never the same.
Just as you are constantly growing, changing and evolving, so is your life purpose. Your purpose takes many forms and many shapes. And the only thing that’s never changing, the only thing that should remain the same, is the love you put into the work you do.
And these are 8 of the many things people get wrong about life on purpose. There are many others things which I’m sure you are familiar with, and I would love it if you could share one of them with us below.
~love, Luminita💫
P.S. Always listen to your heart. Trust your inner voice and follow your intuition. They will lead you in the right direction.
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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