The 7 P’s: A Guide to Personal Growth

“Know your worth.”

We hear it all the time. But what does this really mean? What exactly constitutes as “worth?”

How do we even begin to conceptualize such common phrases? How do we make sense of terms, like “self-worth” and “value,” that are lectured so frequently that they can sometimes become watered down?

And possibly most confusing, how do we do this in a society that doesn’t exactly always suggest that our alleged “worth” is even that high?

Well, that’s the problem.

Too often, we look to society for this definition. We turn to everybody and everything other than ourselves to gauge our worth when ultimately, it’s dependent on our own self-concept (how one views him- or herself).

Therefore, I believe the answer to the questions above is this:

The key to developing and sustaining true self-worth is consistent personal growth.

This requires you to embrace every part of yourself: who you are, who you’ve been, and who you intend to become.

By no means am I an expert on life, or anything else for that matter. But recently I’ve realized that there are certain practical concepts that form the foundation of my values, thoughts, and actions. And they can be applied to any situation, whether it’s career pursuits, personal growth, relationships, finances or anything else.

I call them: The 7 P’s: A Guide to Personal Growth

Each day, commit to being:

1. Prayerful.

In everything you do, pray. It’s the foundation of strong faith. And building a relationship with God (or whomever you consider to be your higher power) is the single most important part of achieving lasting validation and fulfillment.

2. Positive.

As typical as it sounds, positivity really does go a long way. Your mental approach to any circumstance is crucial and makes a world of a difference in your results. More often than not, the energy you give out is the energy you’ll get back.

3. Proactive.

Prayer and positivity will only take you so far without action. For anything that you want in life, work hard every day to put yourself in the best position to achieve it. Actively build your skills in these areas, and take advantage of relevant opportunities to learn and improve. Since you are already consistently praying for what you want and trusting that it will come in due time, it is up to YOU to be prepared when it arrives.

 4. Patient.

As the old adage goes, “Rome wasn’t built overnight.” This still holds true, even in the Internet Age/Microwave Era. Be patient with your process. Everybody’s path is unique. Trust that however long it’s taking for your blessing to come is exactly the amount of time that’s needed for you to be ready to receive it.

On every journey, there will be discouragement and rejection along the way, but don’t consider quitting as an option. You owe it to yourself to stay committed so that you can reach your full potential and experience the best version of yourself. Settling for anything less than that will only lead to regret.

5. Prudent.

Prudence can generally be described as “good judgment” or “wisdom.” Every day we are faced with decisions that could be critical to our futures, and wisdom is the foundation to making good choices. Although this characteristic is often most dependent on age and experience, you can still work to develop it from a young age.

There are two main ways that prudence can be developed: 1) Pray for it, of course. Consistently ask God to strengthen and guide your judgment. 2) Be aware of the company you keep. Surround yourself with people who you can learn from and who challenge you to hold yourself to a high standard.

6. Purposeful.

Make sure everything you do has a “WHY.”

Being busy doesn’t necessarily mean you’re being productive, and working hard doesn’t necessarily mean you’re working smart. Maximize your time and remember that quality trumps quantity. Be sure that there is strategic intent behind every endeavor you chose to pursue. Do what makes sense for your particular goals, not for others people’s expectations.

7. Progressive.

Being purposeful will ultimately lead you to constant progression. Develop a growth mindset by setting specific, challenging goals. Simply commit to being just slightly better than you were the day before. These small improvements may seem insignificant from day to day, but they eventually add up to monumental transformations.

I constructed this list of principles in the midst of my own personal journey, but I hope it helps you somehow with whatever season of life you’re currently in. I genuinely believe that if consistently applied to any area of your daily life, it will be beneficial to your overall self-image and personal goals.

So again, what does “know your worth” really mean?

There’s no need to search for answers. When you remain focused on personal growth and not external validation, your worth will define itself.

And these are The 7 P’s: A Guide to Personal Growth.

What about you? Do you have a guide to personal growth? Are any of these 7 on your list? You can share your comment below 🙂


Raven Gerald

Raven Gerald is the founder and lead writer of  Undefeated Sport Psychology , which presents inspiring and informative articles that showcase the parallel nature between sports and life. Raven, who has a Masters degree in Psychological Studies, is an advocate for self-development, mental health, and holistic wellness. You can view more of her content at

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