PurposeFairy's 111 Ways to Be Happy

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” ~ Dalai Lama

Since happiness is what we all seek, what we all need, and what we all desire. I decided to share with you this awesome list of 111 ways to be happy. Hope you enjoy 🙂

PurposeFairy’s 111 Ways to Be Happy

  1. Smile at yourself whenever you see your face in the mirror
  2. Find something to be thankful for
  3. Call an old friend
  4. Write letters to your Future Self
  5. Hug yourself
  6. Send postcards to your loved ones
  7. Travel to unfamiliar places
  8. Get a pet
  9. Be playful. Be childlike
  10. Let yourself be Free
  11. Surround yourself with hilarious people
  12. Watch funny movies
  13. Read fairytales
  14. Laugh out loud
  15. Talk to strangers
  16. Hug your loved ones daily
  17. Spend time in nature
  18. Look people in the eyes
  19. Eat cleaner foods
  20. Hydrate
  21. Move your body
  22. Hug a tree
  23. Look at the stars
  24. Go to the zoo
  25. Get a plant
  26. Keep a journal
  27. Give away the things you no longer need
  28. Call your mom and tell her, ‘I love you’
  29. Call your dad and tell him, ‘I’m sorry’
  30. Spend one full day in total silence
  31. Write ‘I Love You’ on the bathroom mirror
  32. Read sufi poetry
  33. Show your friends how much you love them
  34. Forgive yourself for past mistakes
  35. Disconnect
  36. Take a hot bath
  37. Buy those nice bed sheets
  38. Get interested in others
  39. Pray for those who wish you harm
  40. Daydream
  41. Have a piece of cake
  42. Write yourself a ‘Thank You’ letter
  43. Get a haircut
  44. Buy yourself something nice
  45. Spend time with your family
  46. Go on a road trip
  47. Learn to Say ‘No!’
  48. Apologize
  49. Put your phone aside and pay full attention to the person in front of you
  50. Learn something new
  51. Take a different route to work
  52. Give flowers to the living
  53. Go for a nice jog
  54. Wake up earlier
  55. Watch the sunset
  56. Lay down on the grass
  57. Smell the flowers
  58. Go to bed earlier
  59. Throw a surprise party for someone you love
  60. Teach a child about the beauty of giving
  61. Do something nice for somebody who can not pay you back
  62. Stay away from gossip
  63. Say ‘yes’ to life
  64. Be mindful who you let near you
  65. Breathe Deeply
  66. Finish each day and be done with it
  67. Start fresh each morning
  68. Get rid of the clutter in your life – mental. emotional, and physical
  69. Watch less television
  70. Read more books
  71. Practice compassion – toward yourself and others
  72. Treat each moment as if it were sacred. Because it is.
  73. Treat each being as if they were sacred. Because they are.
  74. Be fully present in your body
  75. Honor your words with actions
  76. Keep the promises you make to yourself
  77. Learn to love yourself
  78. Practice humility
  79. Condemn none. Forgive all
  80. Appreciate yourself
  81. Appreciate others
  82. Commit to your dreams
  83. Look for the good in people
  84. Be patient
  85. Don’t be so hard on yourself
  86. Forget about what others think
  87. Meditate
  88. Make peace with your imperfections
  89. Live each day as if it were your last
  90. Learn from everything that happens to you
  91. Surrender
  92. Let go
  93. Give yourself permission to get lost
  94. Move beyond your fears
  95. Face your inner demons
  96. Dance in the rain
  97. Be bold. Be brave. Be confident
  98. Tell yourself each morning: ‘I Am Enough’
  99. Stand up for something
  100. Write down your core values
  101. Go for a massage
  102. Host a movie night
  103. Go out and meet new people
  104. Keep your two feet on the ground and your heart in the Heavens
  105. Make time for others
  106. Ask questions
  107. Stay curious
  108. Judge not
  109. Nourish your connection with Source
  110. Put love into everything you do
  111. Don’t run from who you truly are
PurposeFairy's 111 Ways to Be Happy

~love, Luminita💫

And these are PurposeFairy’s 111 Ways to Be Happy. What about you? What is the number one thing that always makes you happy? You can share your comment in the comment section below 🙂


Luminita D. Saviuc

Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.

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