Self care is about having the courage, tenacity, and resilience to take responsibility for your health and well-being. It’s a lifestyle where we recognize and honor our self-worth by engaging regularly and consistently in strategies that empower us to live our best lives.
If there is something my nervous meltdown taught me was the importance of paying regular attention to my physical, psychological, and spiritual needs. And by that, I don’t mean a one-time self care experience every time we are already feeling exhausted or ill. Taking care of ourselves should not be seen as an occasional act.

Self Care is About Making a Commitment to Yourself
Besides, this commitment to take full responsibility for your physical and emotional well-being will have a tremendous impact on your relationships and daily interactions. Especially, in your close relationships where exhaustion and tiredness tend to give rise to empty attempts to find blame and fault.
So, how do you go about including self care in your daily routine?
Include one of these suggestions on your schedule or daily to-do list. They should be just as non-negotiable as cooking dinner, grocery shopping, or picking up the kids. Do it every single day until it becomes natural and even a priority!

To inspire you I share bellow my list of unconventional self care ideas that I use to replenish my body, heart, mind, and soul throughout life. I try to make self care as light, fun, and pleasurable as possible. Mainly to counteract the numerous responsibilities of adult living.
Feel free to create your own self care list to pull from daily. Pick those items that are emotionally fulfilling to you and add some more that you feel inspired to.
35 Self Care Ideas For a Perfect Daily Routine
- Enjoy crafting: cutting, coloring, knitting, sewing.
- Put on some Smooth Jazz and snuggle on the couch (or bed).
- Indulge in a bubble bath. Add Lavender and Epsom or Himalayan salt for the full experience.
- Try a new Yoga Class. It can be from another instructor, a different style, or just a new online class.
- Go for a Bike Ride.
- Go to the organic market and buy some fresh, healthy treats.
- Put on an organic homemade face mask.
- Try a new Guided Meditation of your choice.
- Listen to a Law of Attraction/ Manifestation audio on a theme of your choice and allow yourself to daydream.
- Take a full-on nap today.
- Research healthier more sustainable options for your home, wardrobe, or personal hygiene.
- Dance and sing to your favorite music (or just any uplifting music)
- Prepare a wondrous healthy Brunch.
- Wander around your neighborhood with no destination in mind. Be open to surprises and twists that may arise.
- Have a Board game night with friends.
- Hug your pillow (or teddy bear) until you feel like it!
- Go to a coffee shop and have a luxurious drink.
- Get a fancy oily massage.
- Fancy up for no other reason than you being beautiful.
- Eat a bowl of fresh juicy fruit in an empty stomach.
- Create a vision board out of old magazines and newspapers.
- Try a new dance workout.
- Hug a large mature tree.
- Make a reservation on that restaurant (or class) you have been wanting to go forever.
- Do one random act of kindness today. Some ideas include: smiling to a stranger, offer to pay for someone else’s bill at the coffee shop, leave an uplifting message in a random mailbox, open the door for a stranger, compliment a foreigner, buy someone a flower, etc.
- Lay in bed for a while after an amazing bath!
- Listen to your favorite podcast (or a new uplifting one).
- Enjoy a cup of an amazing tea (hot or cold depending on the weather)
- Write in your gratitude diary 15 things that you feel grateful in your life.
- Walk around the fancy grocery store and buy something for you just for fun. Either something you love or something completely new.
- Write a “letter” (or an email) to an old friend.
- Go to the park and walk (or lay down) barefoot on the grass.
- Do something you used to love as a kid and hasn’t done in a while. Like hula hooping, jumping rope, climb a tree, dance, sing out loud, ride a skateboard, etc.
- Go to a lake, beach, or pool and recharge your body inside the water.
- Spend the afternoon in a fancy hotel water circuit, one that includes pool, Jacuzzi, sauna, and steam room (there are amazing promotions out there).
Sofia Esmenio
Sofia is a freelance writer and author The Lifeful Heart who focuses on sharing a kinder, more deliberate, and joyful way to engage with ourselves and others. Her writings merge the knowledge of a Ph.D. in Psychology with the wisdom of Buddhist tradition and daily practice.
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