Love: A Beautiful Poem by Kahlil Gibran
If there is one thing we all long for, that is to love and be loved. We long to reach that place within […]
Cognitive Health: 4 Great Ways Learning Improves Your Cognitive Health
You may be, as you age, more concerned with cognitive health than ever before in the past. One way to enjoy positive cognitive health benefits is to pursue and continue lifelong learning.
35 Self Care Ideas For a Perfect Daily Routine
Self care is about having the courage, tenacity, and resilience to take responsibility for your health and well-being. It’s a lifestyle where we […]
Wayne Dyer’s Powerful Morning AHH Meditation for Manifesting
Wayne Dyer’s Morning AHH Meditation for Manifesting uses the sound of ‘AHH’ which is the sound of creation, to help you awaken the energies of your body – from the lower centers up to the center between your eyes, which is often called the third eye.
Powerful Heart Chakra Meditation to Merge with Your Higher Self
“If you want to follow the path of love, it’s a good idea to meditate on the heart chakra everyday.” ~ Frederick Lenz […]
5 Amazing SMART Goals to Help You Thrive this Year
Setting SMART goals means you can clarify your ideas, focus your efforts, use your time and resources productively, and increase your chances of […]
10 Great Ways to Build Self-Trust
“Those who only look outside, searching for answers and confirmation, will never know the true meaning of self-trust.” ~ Rania Kubba I understand […]
5 Simple Ways to Better Mental Clarity and Peace of Mind
“In a world deluged by irrelevant information, clarity is power.” Yuval Noah Harari Do you have days when you find your thoughts running around all over […]
7 Ways to Clear Your Mind of Negative Thinking
“Positive thinking and negative thinking cannot operate at the same level in your mind, one needs to be the master and the one […]
5 Powerful Ways to Connect With Your Infinite Nature
How do we reconnect with our infinite nature and find our spiritual core so that we can become the enlightened beings we know […]
Follow Your Intuition: 5 Powerful Ways to Listen to Your Inner Voice and Follow Your Intuition
Follow your intuition. It will not lead you astray. Follow your intuition. It will show you The Way… ~ Luminita D. Saviuc Albert […]
6 Techniques to Stop Worrying
“Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn’t […]
10 Things To Add to Your Health and Happiness To Do List
A to do list is something we put together to make our lives easier, but it’s what’s on that to do list that’s […]
15 Powerful Ways to Change Your Thoughts and Transform Your Life
When you change your thoughts, the world around you starts to change. And that’s when you begin to realize that your thoughts are creative and powerful.
How to Let Go of People Who No Longer Need, or Want to Be in Your Life
To let go of people who no longer need, or want to be in your life is to surrender to the natural flow of life and realize you will be happy someplace else.