How to Live a Heart Centered Life

“Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you’re alive, it isn’t.” ~Richard Bach

Many of us ask ourselves how we can both achieve what we want, as well as well as make a difference in life. This question sometimes arises due to an uncertainty about knowing our own truth or authenticity.  When we discover our Soul Purpose, align with our truth, and express our heartfelt passion, we not only serve ourselves but naturally extend the benefit of that to others.

Consider starting the New Year with this Five Step Heart-Centered Process for both expressing your greatness and bringing greater kindness, compassion, and love to those around you.

Have a clear understanding of how and why you lost touch with your Heart’s Desire

A great way to launch your new year is from the authentic you. Yet many of us have lost a sense of our truth because due to conditioning by parents, teachers, and society to think that searching for rewards outside of ourselves is the path to happiness when the truth is just the opposite. Begin to understand the value of the Inner-to-Outer way of living life, and re-connect to your heartfelt truth.

Eagerly seek out your unique Soul-Self

Going within and listening to your highest wisdom helps you live confidently and passionately as a result of discovering a deep alignment to your Purpose, and “what life is asking of you.” By first claiming your heart-felt truth and then expressing it outward, you will lead a life of wholeness and lasting joy.

Apply what you learn to your present life circumstances

To stay centered and effective in making wise choices, research both accomplishments and disappointments of your past year and determine new guidelines based on your experiences that will lead to greater success. Then clarify your Roles to know what is most important to focus on, and prioritize new heartfelt goals to bring into reality.

Research and transform your limiting beliefs

Discover the limits you have mistakenly placed on yourself, and claim a new heart-felt paradigm to release powerful new energy and inspired action taking. Then gradually learn and practice taking authority over your thoughts and feelings to live life on your own terms.

Take wise action on a Heart Centered Vision

Manifesting your dream begins with a daily meditation practice in which you envision presently living your dream, and being open to inspired ideas that lead to risk-taking and amazing results. And with a deep connection to Spirit, along with an understanding of your Basic Goodness and feeling a deep gratitude for being alive, you will be smack dab in the middle of the present moment and naturally express kindness, compassion, and love to all you meet along your Heart Centered path.

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, “I used everything you gave me.” ~Erma Bombeck



Jim Koehneke

Jim Koehneke is a transformational Business & Life Coach committed to assisting people discover their passion, overcome limiting beliefs, and be that person who lives from purpose, acts with power, and manifests their dreams. Jim has published two books, “Creating and Living Your Purpose” and “Take Charge of Your Life!“ To learn more about Jim or to contact him:

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