“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” ~ Zig Ziglar
I have always loved that quote from Zig Ziglar, mostly because I know it is true! You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.
In helping others, not only will you enriched your life and the lives of those you are helping. But you will also discover a level of joy, freedom, and fulfillment you never knew existed!
You Can Have Everything in Life You Want
Right now, you might think this CAN’T be real!
How can it be when you were taught to believe you have to compete; you have to become better than other people; and you have to sacrifice one area of life for another to have everything you want in life?
Happiness, your career, health and well-being, your love life and overall success… they all come at a cost!
You’ve heard it before: You can’t have it all!
But let me tell you something. Everybody who has done something great in this world has dealt with doubt, naysayers, fear and insecurity.
Whether it was their friends, family, a ‘mentor’, or society who tried to keep them from ‘failing’, they didn’t give up before the finish line, like most people do!
They kept persevering. And eventually, those “unrealistic dreams” and the high expectations they set up for themselves became a living reality.
These are the people you want to learn from.
Take Vishen Lakhiani for example. Today, the world knows him as the founder and CEO of the greatest personal development companies out there, Mindvalley.
He is a great leader, NY Times Best Selling Author, and a revolutionary entrepreneur. But what many people don’t know is that his life became as glamorous and successful as it is today because of his Clear Life Vision and burning desire to change lives and be of service to others.
Vishen and I became really good friends in 2011 while I was working as the head of the Product Development team in Mindvalley. And ever since 2011, I’ve seen all areas of his life skyrocket to unbelievable heights. The way this man grew is mind-blowing! And THIS video is proof of that!
This Man Is Living Proof That You Can Have Everything in Life You Want
So remember this: everything starts with a dream! If you can persevere in spite of everything and everyone, you will eventually find your way to your dream and the impossible will become possible for you!
Vishen created extraordinary success in the 12 most important categories of life. On his own terms. And without sacrifice or compromise.
Today you have the opportunity to do the same.
Join Vishen on this FREE masterclass and Start Your Lifebook Journey Today>>
P.S. Never again feel forced to sacrifice one form of success for another, or neglect your health, career growth, family, or passions. Instead, design a life where every dimension of your being grows in harmony with the other.
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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