Author of How to Get the Guy, Matthew Hussey’s teachings are meant to help women find the right man while feeling empowered at the same time. According to him, women need to set their standards, be confident about the goals they set, and take up the challenge to build a fulfilling life to successfully attract the right people.
Matthew Hussey
At a time when technology affects relationships considerably, he also offers special help to women who need to overcome such challenges.
Without further a due, here are the 21 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Matthew Hussey today.
21 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Matthew Hussey
1. The pain of rejection is nothing compared to the pain of regret.
“Remember, the pain of rejection is nothing compared to the pain of regret.”
2. Having integrity is about knowing what your own standards are.
“Having integrity is about knowing what your own standards are and being completely comfortable with them.”
3. Strengthening your sense of self-worth is a project of a lifetime.
“Learning and practicing the art of creating rather than waiting; throwing the net wide in order to meet a lot of people, men and women alike, who will enrich your life; operating from a mindset of abundance, not scarcity; developing and adhering to the attributes of a woman of high value; upholding your own standards; understanding that you are in control of your own choices—these skills strengthen your sense of self-worth and will improve all areas of your life. It’s the project of a lifetime.”~ Matthew Hussey

4. The best life is one in which we’re excited to wake up in the morning.
“The best life is one in which we’re excited to wake up in the morning. When we have that, we ‘win’ no matter what happens in our love lives. With or without a person to share it with, we have a passionate, fun, exciting and emotionally fulfilling existence. Whatever happens, we become extraordinary, and the truth becomes clear: we don’t enter relationships hoping to create an amazing existence, we come to them to share one with someone else.”
5. Uncertain people are followers, looking to others for approval.
“Uncertain people are followers, looking to others for approval. Frightened to say what they feel in case others don’t feel the same, they adapt to fit in with everyone else.”~ Matthew Hussey
6. Every interaction with another human being could introduce you to the love of your life.
“If I could, I would tattoo this on your palm: Every interaction with another human being is a possible gateway to some new world or experience, which could, in turn, introduce you to the love of your life.”
7. Get curious about people and places.
“Once you just get curious about people and places, you lose all that anxiety about approaching people. You lose that ridiculous idea that every interaction has two possible outcomes: approval or rejection.”
8. Take advantage of the possibilities and choices you are presented with NOW.
“There will come a day, perhaps not far in the future, when you will look at pictures of yourself at the age you are now, and you’ll be shocked at how young and beautiful you were. Perhaps you will be amazed that you spent any time at all focusing on your perceived flaws and failings instead of pursuing the things you wanted. You will see a person who had all of her life ahead of her, a woman with so many possibilities, so many opportunities and choices. Take advantage of them now.”
9. Nobody really wants to be alone.
“I think people don’t want be alone. Ultimately, we want to feel connected. We want to feel like there is someone who actually sees us in the world. That’s the big thing: to be seen. How many people actually feel seen?”~ Matthew Hussey
10. Pain doesn’t come from losing your soul mate.
“Consider this: the pain doesn’t come from losing your soul mate, but from the disappointment that this guy wasn’t your soul mate.”
11. Nurture every single aspect of your life.
“All that is good in your life needs continuous nurturing: your body, your profession, your friendships, your familial connections, and yes, your love life.”~ Matthew Hussey

12. Ordinary things done consistently produce extraordinary results.
“Ordinary things done consistently produce extraordinary results.”
13. You are not changing who you are, you are becoming who you are.
“Often, when people advise, ‘Just be yourself,’ it’s a way of saying, ‘Don’t grow and change.’ What’s more, friends offer this advice when just being yourself has left you miserable and lonely. What they are really telling you is to stick with what you know, to stay with what is comfortable. And what I am telling you is that the new and improved you is you. You are not changing who you are, you are becoming who you are.”
14. Your life is your own.
“Independence and self-determination are important traits of the high-value woman. She has a life that she adores and is engaged in meaningful activities that make her passionate about each day. She may have a job she loves, but she also fills her leisure time with activities that appeal to her creatively and emotionally. She surrounds herself with people who reinforce her values and her confidence. She doesn’t rely on a man to be entertained. Her life is her own.”~ Matthew Hussey
15. Know what your needs are and feel comfortable articulating them.
“If she is not getting what she wants or needs from a relationship, the self-confident woman will feel comfortable articulating her needs or walking away.”
16. Show people why you truly need them.
“A woman who knows who she is, strong and independent, understands how essential it is to show that she needs her guy in other ways.”~ Matthew Hussey
17. Meeting high quality people means taking more risks.
“If you want to meet a better quality man, you’re going to have to get used to taking more risks.”~ Matthew Hussey

18. There is no perfect MAN.
“There is no perfect man. Looking for that is worse than starting the race badly, it means you’re in the wrong race. What women should be searching for is their ideal man – i.e. the one whose values, beliefs and outlook on life synergise with their own.”~ Matthew Hussey
19. Don’t waste any time on someone who’s not planning a future with you.
“Women can be made to feel like that makes them seem ‘too demanding,’ but it’s better than wasting time on someone who isn’t planning any future with you.”
20. The One will always follow through with actions.
“If he doesn’t follow through with actions, he’s either selfish or a liar. Neither makes him sound like The One, does it?”~ Matthew Hussey
21. True love is about finding way to bring people closer together.
“When someone feels truly in love, they feel certain. That means they lose any commitment-phobia and will want to find ways to bring you closer together.”
And there are the 21 life-changing lessons to learn from Matthew Hussey. I hope these will inspire and empower you to do better and choose better, not only in your love life, but in every aspect of your life because you are worth more than you think. Much more!
E. F.
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