Author of Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day, and host of the On Purpose podcast, Jay Shetty has managed to positively influence more people in the past few years, than others have done in a lifetime.
Jay Shetty
He is a kind, wise, loving and compassionate being who is dedicating his life to helping other people find their purpose and realize their true worth. So, what better reasons should one have to put together some of his most impactful and liffe-changing teachings?
25 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from Jay Shetty
1. You know less than you think you know.
“When you learn a little, you feel you know a lot. But when you learn a lot, you realize you know very little.”~ Jay Shetty
2. Real freedom isn’t about saying whatever you want.
“Remember, saying whatever we want, whenever we want, however we want, is not freedom. Real freedom is not feeling the need to say these things.”
3. Letting go gives you freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness.~ Jay Shetty
4. Stop defining yourself in relation to the people around you.
“The more we define ourselves in relation to the people around us, the more lost we are.”
5. “Cancers of the Mind: Comparing, Complaining, Criticizing.”~Jay Shetty

6. Your greatest strength is being close to everything and not letting it consume and own you.
“Actually, the greatest detachment is being close to everything and not letting it consume and own you. That’s real strength.”
7. Salt is so humble that when something goes wrong, it takes the blame.
“Salt is so humble that when something goes wrong, it takes the blame, and when everything goes right, it doesn’t take credit.”~Jay Shetty
8.“May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”~ Jay Shetty
9. Accept the temporary nature of everything brings gratitude.
“When we accept the temporary nature of everything in our lives, we can feel gratitude for the good fortune of getting to borrow them for a time.”

10. Your greatest teacher is the one person who has gone to the darkest part of their own character and found a way out.
“Find me someone who has gone to the darkest parts of their own character where they were so close to their own self-destruction and found a way to get up and out of it, and I will bow on my knees to you. … You’re my teacher.”~ Jay Shetty
11. Negativity is a trait, not someone’s identity.
“Negativity is a trait, not someone’s identity. A person’s true nature can be obscured by clouds, but, like the sun, it is always there. And clouds can overcome any of us. We have to understand this when we deal with people who exude negative energy. Just like we wouldn’t want someone to judge us by our worst moments, we must be careful not to do that to others. When someone hurts you, it’s because they’re hurt. Their hurt is simply spilling over. They need help. And as the Dalai Lama says, “If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them.”~Jay Shetty
12. The one thing that stays with you is your breath.
“Because the only thing that stays with you from the moment you’re born until the moment you die is your breath. All your friends, your family, the country you live in, all of that can change. The one thing that stays with you is your breath.”
13. “But when we look for the good in others, we start to see the best in ourselves too.”~ Jay Shetty
14. Your happiness is not dependent of any external events.
“As long as we keep attaching our happiness to the external events of our lives, which are ever changing, we’ll always be left waiting for it.”
15. Service is always the answer.
“Here’s the life hack: Service is always the answer. It fixes a bad day. It tempers the burdens we bear. Service helps other people and helps us. We don’t expect anything in return, but what we get is the joy of service. It’s an exchange of love. When you’re living in service, you don’t have time to complain and criticize. When you’re living in service, your fears go away. When you’re living in service, you feel grateful. Your material attachments diminish.”

16. If we create purity in our own heart, then we can contribute great purity to the world around us
“There is toxicity everywhere around us. In the environment, in the political atmosphere, but the origin is in people’s hearts. Unless we clean the ecology of our own heart and inspire others to do the same, we will be an instrument of polluting the environment. But if we create purity in our own heart, then we can contribute great purity to the world around us.”
17. Don’t take everything personally
“Everyone has a story, and sometimes our egos choose to ignore that. Don’t take everything personally—it is usually not about you.”~ Jay Shetty
18. When you learn to navigate and manage your breath, you can navigate any situation in life.
“This ten-year-old monk added, “When you get stressed—what changes? Your breath. When you get angry—what changes? Your breath. We experience every emotion with the change of the breath. When you learn to navigate and manage your breath, you can navigate any situation in life.”
19. When people gain what they want but aren’t happy at all, it’s because they did it with the wrong intention.
“There’s nothing intrinsically wrong with cloudy or multifaceted intentions. We just need to remember that the less pure they are, the less likely they are to make us happy, even if they make us successful. When people gain what they want but aren’t happy at all, it’s because they did it with the wrong intention.”
20. Revenge is the mode of ignorance.
“Revenge is the mode of ignorance—it’s often said that you can’t fix yourself by breaking someone else.
21. “Yesterday is but a dream. Tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”~Jay Shetty
22. Life is too short to live without purpose.
“Life’s too short to live without purpose, to lose our chance to serve, to let our dreams and aspirations die with us.”
23. Living an authentic life is worth the risk of losing a few relationships.
“When you try to live your most authentic life, some of your relationships will be put in jeopardy. Losing them is a risk worth bearing; finding a way to keep them in your life is a challenge worth taking on.”~ Jay Shetty

24. None is less important than the other.
“None is less important than the others, and none of us is too important to do any chore. If you think you’re too good for something, you succumb to the worst egotistical impulses, and you devalue anyone who does that chore.”
25. Forgiveness frees you from anger.
“Sometimes we have been wounded so deeply that we can’t imagine how we might forgive the person who hurt us. But, contrary to what most of us believe, forgiveness is primarily an action we take within ourselves. Sometimes it’s better (and safer and healthier) not to have direct contact with the person at all; other times, the person who hurt us is no longer around to be forgiven directly. But those factors don’t impede forgiveness because it is, first and foremost, internal. It frees you from anger.”~ Jay Shetty,
And these are the 25 life-changing lessons to learn from Jay Shetty. I know there is so much more to learn from him, and I do believe this will serve as a starting point for you.
What about you? What is the one lesson you took with you from above? You can share your comments in the section bellow.
E. F.
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