“Believe me when I tell you this. It will just take a little time and you will one day find that all your loves have merged together. You will be surprised because you will find yourself laughing or smiling over a memory of me and that’s when you will know that your tears will soon subside. I want you to be free to love again and to be happy when you are reminded of me! You’ll get there, you’ll see, and it will be sweet and beautiful with a few sentimental tears now and again for all the loves you have had.”~ Kate McGahan,
How does one love again after being deeply hurt?
Is that even possible?
There is so much to be said about this but in the end, it’s always up to you to heal, forgive, and get back out there. Not necessarily to be seeing people again, but to be YOU, the better version of yourself who has been through so much but decided that building walls around you and giving into fear, isn’t for you.

Love Again
Instead, you get even more motivated to be such an inspiring, powerful and loving human being, that everyone looks at you and goes:”I have to know what their secret is.“
Look, we can’t control the way people choose to treat us, but we can control our own reaction to that. Choose to be a victor, not a victim. Choose to inspire and empower others by never giving up on yourself. Just because others have given up on you, that doesn’t mean you should too.
You know better than that, and that’s because deep down inside you know that you are enough, always were and always will be, no matter if you’re in a relationship or not.

And on this note, I’d like to invite you to watch this powerful video. Mathew Hussey definitely has a unique way of reminding people that you can love again after being hurt. It always starts with yourself!
Enjoy and share away 🙂
How Do You Love Again after Being Deeply Hurt?
E. F.
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