“The illusion of sensationalism keeps most people trapped and unaware of their divinity. By always looking outside themselves, always striving and never arriving, they are ignorant of the fact that true peace, happiness, love, wisdom and fulfillment will never be found in getting more and doing more, but rather in being who they have always been.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
Imagine a human-made sunset.
Before the sun falls down the horizon, a music band plays to keep the tempo. A few dancers dance to the tune of the drummer and his team. The beats get louder as the sun dips down further. When it finally becomes a dot suspended at the far end of the ocean, the orchestra ends on a high note, probably followed by some fireworks. The mesmerized audience gives a standing ovation. The curtain falls. There goes your thirst for sensationalism.
The Traps of Sensationalism
We, humans, love sensationalism. Be it news, entertainment, gossip, or name what you may, we like to add a little spice, a dash of thunder, roaring applause, you get the drift, right?
Fortunately, or unfortunately, as you see it, life is not meant to be sensational. At least, for the most part, life is about the simplicity of a moment and successive moments.
But all we need is the glitz and glam and rock and roll and the whole shebang going on endlessly.
Let’s see what differentiates God-made from human-made.
Let’s call humans WE in the upper case and God as SHE in the upper case.
The 7 Traps of Sensationalism and How to Fill that Empty Void within Your Soul
1. Success
“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”~ Maya Angelou
WE think success is applause, merits, standing on higher ground, admirers, paparazzi and on and on.
SHE is convinced that success is the joy and peace we have in our hearts. It’s being content with oneself without the need for external approval or comparison. It’s the joy of peeling a potato, watching a baby smile, loving your job, having a beer with a buddy, finding a cheesecake in the fridge and everything else that fills your soul.
2. Love

WE think love is clinging on to that one special person for happiness, fulfillment, safety, sex, validation and the feeling of completion.
SHE smiles and says love is the teardrop on your cheeks when your dear one shares his sorrow or the debit alert towards a sick man’s bank account or a biscuit thrown at a puppy or the tight hug at the airport. It’s the understanding that we are one and the same underneath our pretenses.
3. Expectations
WE want the world and its inhabitants to change their behaviour, actions and so on so that we can feel happy and secure.
SHE wants you to know that, if you wait for others to live as per your command, you will be disappointed every single time. So the only thing that should and can change is our thoughts and then the world confirms the change.
4. Happiness

WE want every pleasure in the world to be permanent and people to never change or leave us ever.
SHE tells you that, in this world, nothing lasts forever and every good shall meet its opposite sooner or later. The idea is not to get stuck with one part as ups and downs make the ride enjoyable and you are up for a hell of a ride.
5. Security and Stability?
WE want safety for ourselves and our loved ones. We want security in every aspect of life.
SHE has a better plan for us, it’s called uncertainty. No matter how much money or energy or intelligence we have, our lives have no guarantees, all we have is the illusion of safety. And true security is having no worries about the future and no place for past regrets.
6. Failures
WE think we should be extremely careful in life, to avoid mistakes, downfalls, and adversities. We should always put our guards up and pursue a life in all its seriousness and utmost care.
SHE laughs at that weird idea that life is serious and we should always be careful. Life is a series of events that happen spontaneously without warning. It’s the meaning we give them that makes us happy or sad.
7. Prayer

WE want all our prayers to be fulfilled.
SHE is guiding us towards our soul’s purpose and when we stray, she has a way to keep us focused. As she has a GPS view of our life, out of her immense grace and love for us, she won’t fulfill all our prayers.
So, the next time we wait for sensationalism to happen in life, we understand that we are missing life. Life is here and now, forever.
Finally, the chirping birds invite you to yet another sunrise.
Rahul Chelat
Rahul is just another human looking for purpose in life. After struggling with it for over 30 years, he finally realized, life is what you make out of it and that it’s always NOW, never tomorrow or the next second. A copywriter by profession and a philosopher by attitude, he is juggling with the worldly pursuits and spiritual pursuits in his daily life, contented with the fact that, we are the universe expressing itself as a human for a little while.
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