Wayne Dyer On The Most Powerful Manifestation Tool You'll Ever Need

“Manifestation is real and it occurs when you make a specific decision to change your mind about who you are and what is possible for you to achieve within these parentheses in eternity called your life.”~ Wayne Dyer

I don’t know about you but I personally have had so many things in my life and many of them didn’t get fulfilled and I am sure there is a very good reason for it. But we’ll go into that another time.

The Power of Manifestation

Wayne Dyer On The Most Powerful Manifestation Tool You'll Ever Need The Healing Power of Change: 4 Reasons Why Change Is Great for You 5 Clear Signs That the Older You Get the Better You Get How to Awaken Your Intuition in 3 Simple Steps Dr. Joe Dispenza on How to Free Your Body from the Past and Create a Greater Future

The intention behind our desires will always interfere with the manifestation process. What does that mean exactly?

In simple words this means that whenever we are looking for happiness, joy, fulfilment, outside of ourselves, it will always elude us. When we look for the manifestation of our desires from a place of gratitude, contentment, happiness, and feeling worthy, it will all come to us. And it will happen in a way that we least expect it.

The human mind is a very potent instrument and it can be used for the most beautiful things but also for the most destructive and negative endeavours, so whichever direction your manifestation journey is going into, that all depends on YOU.

The art of manifestation

Wayne Dyer On The Most Powerful Manifestation Tool You'll Ever Need How To Move Through Disappointment in 3 Simple Steps The Healing Power of Change: 4 Reasons Why Change Is Great for You 7-Beautiful-Ways-To-Fall-Back-In-Love-With-Your-Life-

“Be willing to dream, and imagine yourself becoming all that you wish to be. If you live from those imaginings, the universe will align with you in bringing all that you wish for–and even more than you imagined when you were living at an ordinary level of consciousness, or what Thoreau calls ‘common hours.'”~ Wayne Dyer

Think about it like this, if whatever you’ve been thinking about yourself, saying about yourself hasn’t done much for you, isn’t it only fair to try and change that? Isn’t it only fair that you change the ideas you have of yourself and instead of saying things like: I am not worthy. I am unhappy. I am ugly. I am stupid. etc.. and start saying the exact opposite?

You have the power to manifest your dream life, and Dr. Wayne Dyer is here to help you do it. Don’t miss out on this incredible manifestation tool that can change your life forever.

Enjoy and make sure to play very close attention to min 4:00.

Wayne Dyer’s Most Powerful Manifestation Tool


E. F.

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